by Cascade Ice on May 26, 2022

We’ve delivered so many ideas over the years for refreshing cocktails that are low in sugar and calories, so you can stay on track with a healthy lifestyle while enjoying a nice happy hour cocktail. But this type of skinny mojito is a new one we’re adding to our favorites list!
A mojito is a classic favorite when it comes to “go-to cocktails”, but did you know that they typically contain over 200 calories and 25 grams of sugar? Who wants to drink their calories anyway? This upgraded version is a much healthier choice with less than 100 calories and only 1 gram of sugar. So, you can save those calories for delicious food!
Our low-calorie berry cucumber skinny mojito is made with fresh lime juice, white rum, mint leaves and Cascade Ice USDA Organic Sparkling Water. It’s light and refreshing, low in calories and has no added sugar!
Low-Calorie Berry Skinny Mojito
Juice from 1 lime
Small bushel of fresh mint leaves
2 oz. White rum
Cascade Ice USDA Organic Sparkling Water in Lemon Lime
½ cup of fresh blackberries
Add the fresh mint leaves, freshly squeezed lime juice and blackberries to a glass and muddle them together. Add rum (or omit if you want a mocktail) and fill to the top with ice, topping it with Cascade Ice, stirring slowly to combine. Garnish with fresh mint – enjoy!
What’s your favorite cocktail to enjoy during this time of year? Tell us in the comments below or share a photo! Remember to “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
by Cascade Ice on April 20, 2022

It’s warming up outside, which means more outside activities and basking in the sun’s rays. With the warmer temperatures and sun exposure comes risk for dehydration. Getting enough fluids each day is essential in keeping your internal organs operating efficiently and helping you feel your best. So how much water should you drink daily? For adults, the goal is about 64 oz, but you likely need more if you exercise or if the temperatures are especially hot.
Water is obviously the holy grail when it comes to staying hydrated, but what other ways can you protect yourself from dehydration? We’ve listed some easy ways to make sure your skin glows this spring and summer, and your body is functioning at its very best.
Make water more fun
We get it. It’s nearly impossible to drink only water every single day and not get a little tired of the monotony. Add some fresh sliced fruit to your water for a little something different. Or reach for a Cascade Ice USDA Organic Sparkling Water with zero calories and sugar. You can even freeze flavored water for an iced treat! As always, just make sure you’re limiting caffeine and alcohol to stay consistently hydrated.
Prepare for especially hot days
Check the weather forecast daily and plan to stay inside when it will be especially hot outside. If you don’t have air conditioning, you can seek refuge at the mall, movie theater or library. Also, avoid direct sun exposure during 10am-2pm, which is when the sun’s rays are the strongest and you’re most susceptible to sunburns and dehydration. Lastly, wear lighter, more breathable fabrics on super-hot days, and throw on a hat to protect yourself.
Stay ahead of it
If you feel thirsty, this usually means that you’re already dehydrated. Make sure you’re staying on top of hydration throughout the day. Your urine should be a very light yellow color if you’re properly hydrated. Especially if you’re active, you don’t want to find yourself in a citation where you feel dizzy or lightheaded from too much sun exposure and not enough water. Carry a water bottle with you wherever you go. They even sell bottles that show you how much you’ve drank so you can keep track!
Eat the rainbow
Did you know that fruits and vegetables contain water? Consuming water-rich fruits and veggies is an awesome way to supplement your water intake. Things like watermelon, zucchini, peaches, tomatoes and pineapple have great amounts of water content, so make sure you’re snacking on these types of foods regularly during the warm weather months.
What is your favorite way to stay hydrated during the Spring and Summer? Tell us in the comments below or share a photo! Remember to “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
by Cascade Ice on April 1, 2022

The Ranch Water cocktail is having a moment – everywhere you look, restaurants, bars and even supermarkets are advertising their version of the famous beverage. Why is it so popular? It’s light, refreshing, and easy to make, and perfect for the upcoming warmer Spring and Summer days.
The origins of the Ranch Water cocktail are fuzzy, but it definitely came from the Lone Star State (Texas) and has spread across the country. The main things you’ll find in common no matter where you get it are typically tequila, lime juice and sparkling (or mineral) water. But most agree that the bubblier the sparkling water, the more the flavors “pop”, which is why using Cascade Ice Sparkling Water with zero calories and sugar and lots of bubbles is key!
Sticking to your health and fitness goals and don’t want to slam down extra calories and sugar in liquid form? We’ve got you covered! Our recipe for Ranch Water will give you the same great taste without all the added extras. Read below to make your own Cascade Ice Ranch Water!
1 cup of ice
1 Tbsp. lime juice
2 oz. tequila of your choice
5 oz. Cascade Ice USDA Organic Sparkling Water in Lemon Lime
Fresh lime slices
Pour tequila and lime juice over ice in a cocktail glass of your choice and top with Cascade Ice. Stir gently and garnish with fresh lime slices. Enjoy!
Have you ever tried a Ranch Water cocktail? Tell us in the comments below or share a photo! Remember to “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
by Cascade Ice on February 25, 2022

As Spring nears, many people are thinking of ways to feel better after a long winter that’s filled with dodging viruses, bitter temperatures and perhaps not eating the best foods. The good news is that you can adopt some simple habits to help detox your body and have you looking and feeling your best in no time.
Ancient cultures have used detoxing techniques for thousands of years to help boost their mind and body functions. Keeping the mind and body in good shape was believed to be the key to living a long and healthy life. Today, in our modern culture, people often look to quick fixes which can sometimes be effective, but you have to make sure that they are helpful in the long term as well. Things like environmental toxins, processed foods and stress can take a toll, especially in the long winter months.
Read below for some simple things you can do right now to start getting your mind and body in top shape going into the spring season.
Step up your hydration
Most people are dehydrated and don’t even realize it. Symptoms of dehydration can be headaches and fatigue, and you can even mistake hunger for thirst, which can lead to overeating. Strive to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day, but if it gets monotonous, try squeezing fresh fruit juices into your water, or grab a Cascade Ice USDA Organic Sparkling Water with just 3 ingredients. Being properly hydrated will help all the systems of your body operate better and more efficiently, making you feel (and look!) better.
Get your blood flowing
Another great way to stimulate your body’s natural detoxing mechanisms is to incorporate regular exercise. But don’t let the word “exercise” intimidate you! Simply getting 25 minutes of activity every day, whether it’s taking a neighborhood walk with your dog, riding your bike, or walking in the mall, it all counts as physical activity, and it’s a perfect way to improve your overall health. Even stretching activities like gentle yoga and using a foam roller to increase circulation throughout your body will help speed up the removal of toxins from your body. Or, if you prefer a sweaty workout, that’s even better – sweat is one of the best ways for the toxins to exit.
Don’t Stress!
It’s easier said than done, especially in these turbulent times we live in. But keeping your stress levels in check can really go the extra mile in keeping all your body’s functions operating in an ideal way to keep you healthy and feeling good.
Stress creates the presence of cortisol in your body, which has a negative impact on your heart, brain, and your ability to maintain a healthy weight. How should you limit stress? Find out what makes you tick – what makes you feel at peace. And then, incorporate more of that into your life! Make time for it and make it a priority daily. The long-term benefits of making these things a habit will prolong your life – no, really!
Indulge in lots of sleep
It’s a hot commodity – the coveted 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. But it’s truly what you should strive for every day. The more you make sleep a priority and a habit, the better you will feel and the better your body will function. So, find out what it will take to get you there, and do it. Should you download an app that leads you through sleep meditations before you drift off for the night? Absolutely! Make sure your sleep space is dark, quiet, and use white noise. If you know you need to wake up early, try to adopt an earlier bedtime and stick to it. The more you make it a routine, the easier it will become for your body to read the sleep cues and allow you to have a full night of restful sleep. So, indulge in some wonderful sleep!
How do you detox? Let us know about your favorite cocktail in the comments below or share a photo! Remember to “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.