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Try This New Recipe for a Light, Festive Holiday Cocktail

by Cascade Ice on November 21, 2019

Looking for something new to make for your Thanksgiving dinner guests that isn’t the “same old, same old?” We have the perfect cocktail for you – something that is festive, but still low in calories and sugar. After you try it, you’ll want to enjoy it all season long!

Sparkling Vodka Cranberry Quencher

1 shot vodka

2 shots (3 oz.) cranberry juice

Splash of lime juice

Fresh lime slices

Cascade Ice Sparkling Water in Cranberry Pomegranate

Fresh or sugared cranberries


In a large shaker with ice, combine vodka, cranberry juice and lime juice and shake. Pour over more ice, and top with Cascade Ice Sparkling Water in Cranberry Pomegranate. Add desired amount of cranberries or fresh mint sprigs to the top of glass, and garnish with a fresh lime slice. Enjoy with or without the vodka!

What is your favorite holiday cocktail or mocktail?  Tell us in the comments below, or share a photo of your own concoction! Remember to “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Simple Ways to Stay on Track with your Health Goals During the Holidays

by Cascade Ice on November 18, 2019

The holiday season is the easiest time to fall out of our healthy routines. After all, it’s tempting to overindulge in all the wonderful food, and become sedentary when temperatures drop. Here are a few tips that will help you enjoy all of the best parts of the holidays without putting your health goals on the back burner until the new year. 

Remember your motivation

What made you embark on a healthy living journey in the first place? It’s helpful to remind yourself daily of why you make these choices, whether it’s a small goal such as taking a daily walk, or a bigger goal like living a longer life. Try to remember the day you set your goal and how you felt, and what your hopes were. Sometimes our brains need to look back in order to keep moving forward! 

Don’t let temporary indulgences turn into derailment 

Falling off the wagon happens to everyone, especially during the holidays. Just because you enjoyed some treats or a break in activity doesn’t mean you should beat yourself up over it. Instead, channel your energy into getting back to it when you can!

Mix it up!

Maybe you’re tired of the healthy lunch you’ve been packing for the last several months or you’re getting bored with your typical exercise routine. Try mixing things up with a new recipe for a healthy drink from Cascade Ice Water, a health-conscious indulgence, or a new group exercise class. You’ll be surprised at how a small difference can make a big change for you mentally. 

What are some ways you keep on track with your health goals during the holiday season? Share your ideas in the comments below, and “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Planning the Perfect Fall Picnic with Peach in Seattle

by Cascade Ice on November 7, 2019

Most people think of springtime when they envision the perfect picnic, but if you have all the right elements in play, you can enjoy a perfect picnic in Autumn too! So, what does it take to have an enjoyable feast outside when the leaves are turning colors? Popular lifestyle influencer, Peach in Seattle, gives us some tips!


Pick a location where you know what to expect, like whether it’s setting up on the grass or under covered picnic tables. This will make things tremendously easier and help you pack lightly for your outside time. Plus, you can pick a location that caters to your crowd like a playground for kiddos.


If you could only bring one thing with you, it should be a beverage! Whether it’s hot or cold. This time, I decided to bring Cascade Ice Sparkling Water with caffeine. I grabbed them because they’re all natural and wanted a bit of caffeine for a pick-me-up.


Again, know your audience and pack snacks you know they (and you) will enjoy. I didn’t want to do a full grocery haul and stuck with purchasing only two additional items from the store. Everything else I already had at home! Fruit and cheese or charcuterie plates are a great way to go… and I’ve even seen some char-treaterie plates! 

What are some “must-have” items you bring to a picnic? Share your ideas and photos with us, and “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

3 Simple Tips to Help You Drink More Water Everyday

by Cascade Ice on November 4, 2019

We all know that we should be getting adequate hydration each day. After all, it helps with everything from digestion to regulating your mood and brain function. But sometimes our busy lives prevent us from keeping up with healthy habits. Here are some easy hacks to help you stay hydrated 24/7:

Sync hydration patterns to your daily routine

If you’re like most people, you have trouble remembering to drink enough water throughout the day. Any easy way to fix that is to develop a habit of drinking when you go from one activity to the next. For example, before you leave your car to go into the office each morning, finish your water bottle. Or, don’t leave for lunch without taking some sips at your desk. After a while, you won’t even think about it!

Sip, don’t chug

Gulping down a big bottle of water in one sitting definitely helps you meet your daily hydration goals faster, but it may cause bloat and upset stomach. Instead, take small sips all day long – it may actually help you absorb the water better and keep you from that “sloshy stomach” feeling.

Make it fun!

Let’s face it, water can get boring. So liven it up a bit by adding lemon, lime or cucumber slices, or even orange wedges. Muddling the fruit brings out the flavor even more. Flavored sparkling water like Cascade Ice is also a great option for changing things up by adding a bubbly kick of flavor to your daily water intake. There are several different product lines and flavors, so check out our website for more information.

What are some tips and tricks you follow to meet your daily water intake goals? Tell us in the comments below and “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram