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Kickin’ It with Review Blogger Jeanna of Momma’s Bacon!

by Cascade Ice on August 6, 2015

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This week we are kickin’ it with mom of two, analyst and review blogger, Jeanna, of Momma’s Bacon. We are so excited to have had the chance to talk with her, and we just had to share her insights with you. Make sure to look for the links at the bottom to connect with Jeanna and her blog!


Why is “Healthy Living” important to you?

Your health is the most important thing!  I thought I was living healthy until I had a big wake-up call in 2013 when I was pregnant with my youngest daughter and was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I was not overweight – and even had trouble gaining weight – so it was a huge lesson that just because you may ‘look healthy’, you may not necessarily be healthy. I immediately began to make healthier choices which meant cutting out sugar and limiting carbs (which was a huge factor) and making sure to get some yoga and walking in daily. Looking back, learning how my food choices affected my blood sugar was a blessing in disguise.


Who are your “Healthy Living” role models and why?

I am inspired by many fitness bloggers who keep me on track with frequent posts about being healthy. I love following Carla Birnberg who mixes in lovely posts about life, family and fitness.


What is your go-to healthy meal when you are short on time?

I always keep a protein shake handy in my refrigerator and have my shelves stocked with protein bars. I used to have a bad habit of skipping meals when I was in a hurry and I have learned that you have to fuel your body to keep from burning out.


Do you have any tips for families who want to make some healthy lifestyle changes?

Make healthy lifestyle changes together!  Cutting out sugary drinks and unnecessary carbs was a huge life changer for me but it was having my husband take the healthy journey with me made it so much easier. I also like to have a sweet healthy treat every day to curb my sweet tooth.  Things like berries and smoothies are a great way to not reach for candy.


Are there any foods that you consider to be off-limits completely?

I try very hard to only eat whole foods. I read labels to make sure ‘artificial’ isn’t there. I am a believer in ‘all things in moderation’, but I do make the healthiest choices possible when it comes to things like eating and snacking.


In addition to eating right, do you have any other tips to share on overall wellness (i.e. sleep, relaxation techniques, fitness routines)?

I have been a big fan of Hatha yoga since 2009 and I enjoy taking daily walks.  I recently took up running but I do it for fun and am not looking to run any marathons any time soon!  My main focus is to get myself and my family up and moving. We love to be outside in the sunshine.

Sleep is so important and so is quiet time for meditation.  I learned how to do a lot of relaxation techniques through biofeedback and they work really well. My favorite is to tense up different parts of your body and then relax completely.  It’s a great way to de-stress.

 You can keep up with Jeanna and her reviews at: http://mommasbacon.com. Also, connect with her on Twitter here!

Kickin’ It with Blogger Ashley Drewes!

by Cascade Ice on July 23, 2015

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This week on Kickin’ it with Cascade Ice, we interviewed blogger and blog owner of Closet of Free Samples, Ashley Drewes. Enjoy!


Why is “Healthy Living” important to you?

Healthy living is important to me because I have a family consisting of two younger children. With rising health care costs it’s easier to just stay healthy from the beginning – Lord permitting of course!

Who are your “Healthy Living” role models and why?

I honestly do not have any. Healthy living was never part of my lifestyle until I started reading facts about what goes into products and food – only then did I start wanting to make some changes. The change is slow, but it makes a difference.

What is your go-to healthy meal when you are short on time?

Honestly, I don’t have one. When I’m short on time eating UNhealthy is what usually happens.

Do you have any tips for families who want to make some healthy lifestyle changes?

Start small. There’s so many great ideas out there, but overloading yourself with lifestyle changes won’t work. You have to be realistic. For me it was finding a better drink than soda. Drinking plain water would be the BEST option, but it’s not realistic for me as it’s not something I will stick to. Also, don’t be afraid to try new things. I found my BEST jewelry household cleaner was one I made using essential oils and water! It smells and works better than the chemical filled junk you find in the store!

Are there any foods that you consider to be off-limits completely?

For me there is not. While I could make healthier eating decisions for myself, the fact of the matter is I believe anybody can eat anything with moderation. Enjoy that fat filled ice cream, but rather than having a giant bowl, have a small bowl. Limit the amount of something if you know it’s not good for you.

In addition to eating right, do you have any other tips to share on overall wellness (i.e. sleep, relaxation techniques, fitness routines)?

I find that getting plenty of rest is key, but getting too much makes me feel more tired! I also found if I exercise in the morning, I feel more energetic for the day. It can be as simple as doing 10 situps, 10 jumping jacks and 10 squats and it makes me feel energized.

What is your favorite Cascade Ice flavor and why?

This is a tough one because there are so many great flavors, but I think Lemonade. I’ve always been a fan of lemonade and lemon flavored things. I also like to experiment and mix flavors to make new ones. I just never remember the combinations I make!

To view Ashley’s blog, go to http://www.closetsamples.com. Connect with Ashley on Twitter and Facebook too!

Kickin’ It with Author and Blogger Erinn Sluka!

by Cascade Ice on July 9, 2015

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Why is “Healthy Living” important to you? 

I have 3 boys ages 7-23 and it is important to me that they stay active and at their best and that my husband and I do as well so we can keep up with these busy boys. With many genetic factors in our family from diabetes, cancer and heart disease I want to protect my boys as best as possible by not only eating healthy, but teaching them to make healthier choices on their own.

Who are your “Healthy Living” role models and why?

I actually do not have any one health role model. I think as health as all-inclusive from being happy, active and eating healthy. I work to have a healthy budget, healthy marriage and healthy meals.

What is your go-to healthy meal when you are short on time?

I always keep albacore (pole caught) or organic black beans and will do wraps in a pinch. I also always keep fresh Pico full of veggies and will add it to sandwiches, wraps or salads.

Do you have any tips for families who want to make some healthy lifestyle changes?

Teach your kids and lead by example! The best way to learn to eat healthy is to learn labels! You can google articles that help you learn to dissect a food label. It is so important to know what is in your food and the effects of what your family is consuming. I don’t ever read the front labeling-I turn the item over to the ingredient list. Even my boys will be caught turning a box over and looking up sugars and calorie numbers.

Are there any foods that you consider to be off-limits completely?

I won’t take away the treat aspect with my kids. However, if I don’t buy it, they can’t eat it. My son LOVES Doritos so if he is due for a special treat, I will buy him a snack size bag and not the large bag that will sit in my cupboard and be consumed for days. I use moderation, not elimination.

In addition to eating right, do you have any other tips to share on overall wellness (i.e. sleep, relaxation techniques, fitness routines)?

We are very family-oriented. We work to keep the boys learning over the summer, spending a lot of time with extended family. We also have bedtimes that are structured so our youngest gets the sleep he needs.

What is your favorite Cascade Ice flavor and why?

I love the lemonades-Raspberry and Strawberry Lemonade. They are so refreshing!

To see more of Erinn’s tips, you can visit her blog at  http://www.parentinghealthy.com/. Connect with Erinn on Twitter and Facebook, and check out her book, Love Should Not Hurt: Letting Go of the Pain to Live in Freedom. 

Kickin’ It with Health Coach and Fitness Blogger Rachel Taylor!

by Cascade Ice on April 30, 2015

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Rachel Taylor is passionate about faith, fitness, and all things FAB! We had the opportunity to speak with her this week about Cascade Ice and general lifestyle tips!


Why is “Healthy Living” important to you?

Healthy living is important to me because I want to live a long and prosperous life. I want to accomplish everything that God has set before me, and I don’t want to cut my days short because I was addicted to food or avoided exercise. I walk in obedience when I honor my body and I enjoy taking care of it because it makes a difference in my energy levels and even my positivity. It’s important to me to take care of myself because this is the only body I have. I don’t get any second chances with how I treat it.

Who are your “Healthy Living” role models and why?

Michelle Myers (@michellelmyers on Instagram) and Vani Hari (@thefoodbabe on Instagram). Michelle has a triumphant story in overcoming an eating disorder and currently trains and equips women to train and equip other women. She is a breath of fresh air in the fitness industry because her focus is less on “I need to be skinny” and more on “I need to walk in obedience and be healthy because that’s what God wants for my life”. Vani is the author of the best-selling book The Food Babe Way. She has opened my eyes to fighting hidden toxins and how to properly read labels to protect my body from unnecessary harm.

What is your go-to healthy meal when you are short on time? 

Vegan Chocolate Shakeology! It takes 30 seconds to blend or 15 seconds to shake in a blender bottle. My favorite recipe is 1 scoop Shakeology, 2 tsp of Justin’s peanut butter, 1 cup unsweetened almond milk, ice and a light dash of salt. It’s my go-to because 1 scoop of Shakeology has over 70 superfoods and vitamins  including wheatgrass, macaroot, acai berries, goji berries, and more.

Do you have any tips for families who want to make some healthy lifestyle changes?

It starts with the parents. Make a plan that is best for you and your spouse then implement for your kids. There is no childhood obesity without enabling parents. Start small so it’s not overwhelming. Add in an extra vegetable at dinner. Swap sodas for sparking water (naturally flavored with fruits and herbs). Go for a family walk after dinner. The goal isn’t for everyone to look like a bikini competitor; the goal is to live a long and healthy life.

Are there any foods that you consider to be off-limits completely?

Anything processed or artificially flavored. I make a constant effort to eat from the earth. I typically eat from a portion-controlled and clean eating plan 80% of the week and find balance by adding in clean cheats here and there.

In addition to eating right, do you have any other tips to share on overall wellness (i.e. sleep, relaxation techniques, fitness routines)?

Three things that will help you! Get plugged in with an accountability group. Do what’s best for you and what you enjoy – if you don’t like to run, don’t! Finally, don’t find time for your workouts, make it! Schedule your workouts like you  would do any other activity.

What is your favorite Cascade Ice flavor and why?

I enjoy Organic Lemon Lime – it’s free from artificial flavorings and dyes which is hard to come by in other delicious drinks!

To see more of Rachel’s tips, visit her personal blog Fab Fierce Faith. You can also connect with her on Instagram!