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Kickin’ It with Lifestyle Blogger Louida Martin

by Cascade Ice on February 26, 2015

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It’s hard to find people as passionate about online blogging as Louida Martin these days. A passionate product tester, lifestyle blogger, social media influencer and mother; she’s here to talk food health for you and your family!


Why is “Healthy Living” important to you?

I would like to be there for my children when they get older.

Who are your “Healthy Living” role models and why?

It would have to be Dr. Oz because he always gives out great health advice.

What is your go-to healthy meal when you are short on time? 

Lowfat yogurt is my go-to meal each morning to help me have energy during the day.

Do you have any tips for families who want to make some healthy lifestyle changes?

First it needs to start in your own home by clearing out your cabinets of all the junk foods and then replacing it with healthier foods and drinks.

Are there any foods that you consider to be off-limits completely?

I do not drink soda due to all the sugar in it and plus it is bad for you.  Great alternative if you don’t care for drinking water is Cascade Ice.  Also I stay away from fried foods.

In addition to eating right, do you have any other tips to share on overall wellness (i.e. sleep, relaxation techniques, fitness routines)?

Make sure you’re getting plenty of rest each day.

What is your favorite Cascade Ice flavor and why?

Raspberry Lemonade because I love the sweet fruity flavor.

To see more of Louida’s tips, visit her personal blog Product Review Mom. You can also connect with her on FacebookTwitterInstagram and Pinterest!

Kickin’ It with Tracy Ann Guida!

by Cascade Ice on February 5, 2015

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Today we’re kicking it with My Other City By The Bay lifestyle blogger Tracy Ann Guida!

Tracy Guida     

Why is “Healthy Living” important to you?

Ever since I was young, I have always been committed to eating healthy. One of my first role models was Madonna and her dedication to fitness inspired me when I was 12 years old. I find that when I stick to a healthy eating plan and regular exercise, I feel better and have more energy. While I do allow myself cheat days, I am always sure to run an extra mile or two so I can have that slice of pizza or piece of cake.

Who are your “Healthy Living” role models and why?

The two that first come to mind are my two friends here in Tampa, Liz Kieffer and Stephanie Sanchez May. These two lovely ladies, who happen to be sisters-in-law, are incredibly dedicated to physical fitness and healthy eating. They both inspire me on a daily basis.

What is your go-to healthy meal when you are short on time?

Grilled chicken and steamed broccoli. I always have both on hand.

Do you have any tips for families who want to make some healthy lifestyle changes?

Replace sugary drinks with healthy alternatives such as fruit infused water and Cascade Ice. My kids love adding fresh fruit to their water such as orange and lemon slices. Always be sure to have healthy snacks on hand such as fruit, veggies, celery sticks with peanut butter, etc. Swap TV time for group walks or bike rides.

In addition to eating right, do you have any other tips to share on overall wellness (i.e. sleep, relaxation techniques, fitness routines)?

Sleep and hydration are essential. You must maintain your daily water intake and sleep is vital for health and wellness.

Are there any foods that you consider to be off-limits completely?

I never eat white bread and only have fried food once in a blue moon.

What is your favorite Cascade Ice flavor and why?

I love Coconut. It reminds me of a tropical drink and I enjoy sipping on it while trying to stay cool from the Florida heat.

Tracy is full of great tips so be sure to check out her blog and follow her on  FacebookTwitter, and Instagram!

Kickin’ It With Carrin Cheney!

by Cascade Ice on January 15, 2015

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Today we’re kicking it with Oh, Sweet Basil Food and Fitness blogger Carrin Cheney!             

Carrian Cheney

Why is “Healthy Living” important to you?

From a very young age I felt this great desire to care for my body. The older I got the more I realized what a blessing our bodies are and just how much we need to care for them so that they can continue to work for us. The more I take care of my mind and body and keep my priorities in order the happier my life is. And those around me as well.

Who are your “Healthy Living” role models and why?

My husband and sister are my role models, which is probably not the expected answer. My husband, Cade has just finished his masters degree in exercise science and he lives and breaths healthy living. No matter what is going on in life he makes his physical, mental and spiritual health a priority and because he does that he can keep moving forward and progressing in life instead of letting things hold him back. And my sister who recently lost nearly 100 pounds by changing her eating habits and exercising every day in order to really be with her children for as long as possible. She is teaching them through example how to have a happy and healthy life.

What is your go-to healthy meal when you are short on time?

Oh, I need a couple! We love a good garden skillet. We can do it with or without meat. We also love almond joy protein shakes for a busy morning. This last one isn’t a meal but I love these frozen yogurt banana dippers for a quick snack.

Do you have any tips for families who want to make some healthy lifestyle changes?

Our biggest tip is to make decisions as a family and go shopping together. When everyone is on board you are a lot more likely to stick to it. Shopping together helps everyone understand what meals are going to look like so mentally, you all begin to switch your thoughts to healthier living.

In addition to eating right, do you have any other tips to share on overall wellness (i.e. sleep, relaxation techniques, fitness routines)?

A good nights sleep, letting go of anger-hurt-or negative feelings and finding techniques to overcome stress are essential to healthy living. Make sleep as much of a priority as work and play. If you’ve been hurt or had bad situations in life it’s time to let it go and find forgiveness. That poison will eat at you and destroy your health far more than it will ever hurt the one you’re angry with. Stress will make you eat more, sleep less, become depressed etc. You’re not meant to live in a dark fog so find help and let it go.

Are there any foods that you consider to be off-limits completely?

We actually believe in balance in all things, so we try to not say “I’ll never eat hot french fries again”. It just makes me crave them! For us, it’s more about choosing healthy options the majority of the time and allowing ourselves little treats every now and again.

What is your favorite Cascade Ice flavor and why?

That’s another hard one, but I think I have to go for the coconut. We need a year supply!

Carrie is full of great tips so be sure to check out her blog and follow her on  FacebookTwitterand Instagram!

Kickin’ It With Dianna Muscari!

by Cascade Ice on December 18, 2014

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The holiday’s can be the toughest time of the year to maintain your healthy habits! It’s ok to indulge a bit but we want to keep your eyes on the prize by introducing you to Dianna Muscari, food blogger at The Kitchen Prep. We could all use a dose of healthy living tips right now!              


Why is “Healthy Living” important to you?

Because health is everything! If you don’t feel your best, then you’re not living your best life.

Who are your “Healthy Living” role models and why?

I don’t have any specific role models when it comes to healthy living, because I believe that being “healthy” can mean different things to different people. If I had to choose a public figure, I’d say Giada DeLaurentiis is a good example of what I consider healthy — she takes care of herself, understands nutrition and eats right, but also indulges and finds the balance between decadent foods and good daily choices. She may not be Jillian Michaels, but her common sense and attainable lifestyle is one that resonates with me!

What is your go-to healthy meal when you are short on time?

Quinoa salads, usually. They take no time at all to prepare, can be eaten hot or cold, packaged for days when you’re “on the run”, and you can toss in just about anything from your fridge to make a healthy, tasty meal.

Do you have any tips for families who want to make some healthy lifestyle changes?

Start small! You don’t have to revamp everything in one day. Swap juice or sodas for water; try to cook at home as often as possible; try new, healthy foods and recipes and get the family involved in making them; avoid those grocery aisles that tempt you to make poor choices. If you don’t have the bad stuff at home, then you won’t eat it. Get moving and make it fun by going on family walks or bike rides and spending time outdoors when you can.

In addition to eating right, do you have any other tips to share on overall wellness (i.e. sleep, relaxation techniques, fitness routines)?

Being “healthy” should not stress you out. Do the best you can. Don’t punish yourself for less-than-perfect moments. I truly believe that moderation and balance are the keys to a truly healthy lifestyle… and yes, that means eating a chocolate chip cookie every now and then!

What is your favorite Cascade Ice flavor and why?

I love all the organic flavors! I can feel good about getting hydrated while enjoying some sparkle and fun flavors without any artificial ingredients, which is a wonderful thing for me as I have trouble drinking water throughout the day! Motivation. 🙂

Dianna is full of great tips so be sure to check out her blog and follow her on  Facebook, Twitter , Pinterest  and Instagram!