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Cool off with this Low-Calorie Berry Skinny Mojito

by Cascade Ice on May 26, 2022

We’ve delivered so many ideas over the years for refreshing cocktails that are low in sugar and calories, so you can stay on track with a healthy lifestyle while enjoying a nice happy hour cocktail. But this type of skinny mojito is a new one we’re adding to our favorites list!

A mojito is a classic favorite when it comes to “go-to cocktails”, but did you know that they typically contain over 200 calories and 25 grams of sugar? Who wants to drink their calories anyway? This upgraded version is a much healthier choice with less than 100 calories and only 1 gram of sugar. So, you can save those calories for delicious food!

Our low-calorie berry cucumber skinny mojito is made with fresh lime juice, white rum, mint leaves and Cascade Ice USDA Organic Sparkling Water. It’s light and refreshing, low in calories and has no added sugar!

Low-Calorie Berry Skinny Mojito


Juice from 1 lime

Small bushel of fresh mint leaves

2 oz. White rum

Cascade Ice USDA Organic Sparkling Water in Lemon Lime

½ cup of fresh blackberries


Add the fresh mint leaves, freshly squeezed lime juice and blackberries to a glass and muddle them together. Add rum (or omit if you want a mocktail) and fill to the top with ice, topping it with Cascade Ice, stirring slowly to combine. Garnish with fresh mint – enjoy!

What’s your favorite cocktail to enjoy during this time of year? Tell us in the comments below or share a photo! Remember to “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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