by Cascade Ice on November 6, 2014
Today we’re Kickin’ It with food blogger, Rachel Farnsworth, who shares her healthy lifestyle tips!
Why is “Healthy Living” important to you?
I suffer from an autoimmune condition called Addison’s disease. It’s so bad it is actually considered a disability. It affects my everyday life and causes my body to react in an extreme way to the smallest of variations. What I put into my body becomes critical to how I feel and my ability to function. A healthy lifestyle is something I strive for because I can see immediate and dramatic results in the way I feel. I don’t want my disability to limit my life.
Who are your “Healthy Living” role models and why?
My healthy living role models are my friends. I have lots of friends that try to eat healthy and take care of themselves. I take tips from their lifestyles and try to work them into my own routine.
What is your go-to healthy meal when you are short on time?
Fish and salad are always my go-to! Fish cooks so quickly, has so many nutrients and I can always throw together a salad.
Do you have any tips for families who want to make some healthy lifestyle changes?
If you are trying to make a change, don’t focus on losing weight. Stay off the scale and just start making some simple changes like incorporating more fruits and veggies and less processed food. It’s a journey that isn’t counted in pounds lost. Instead, focus on how you feel and trying to show your body some love by taking care of it. You’ll get a lot further if you just focus on loving yourself.
Are there any foods that you consider to be off-limits completely?
I don’t have hard and fast rules or limitations. I try not to limit myself by a list of “no’s.” To me, healthy living is more about “do’s” rather than “don’ts”.
In addition to eating right, do you have any other tips to share on overall wellness (i.e. sleep, relaxation techniques, fitness routines)?
I hate exercise. I loathe it. I’ve found that exercise classes at my gym have really helped me to exercise regularly. I go up front so I won’t wimp out and leave when things get tough and the sweat starts to roll. I’ve been going to the gym 3 to 5 days a week for the past 6 months. I haven’t lost a single pound, but I feel better. I don’t worry about weight loss because I’m trying to love my body no matter what it looks like. Loving my body means I need to take care of it, and that means exercise.
To learn more about Rachel and her tips, visit her blog The Stay at Home Chef to find recipes, reviews, DIY tips and much more! Check Rachel out on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest!
by Cascade Ice on October 2, 2014
Today we’re Kickin’ It with lifestyle and review blogger Connie Ott, who shares her healthy lifestyle tips! Read more to learn how she overcomes her neurological disorder on a daily basis by eating healthy nutrients rather than counting calories.
Why is “Healthy Living” important to you?
Healthy living is important to me because changing my nutrition has improved a neurological disorder I have that most take medication to manage. I’ve been able to keep it in check by keeping track of my nutrition instead of counting calories.
Who are your “Healthy Living” role models and why?
I’m a huge follower of Dr. Andrew Weil. I use his breathing techniques to take care of anxiety and stress naturally. His breathing techniques have gotten me through spinal taps and other painful procedures.
What is your go-to healthy meal when you are short on time?
My go-to healthy meal is a banana and raw almonds. I’m a vegetarian who eats mostly organic, so finding healthy snacks on the road can be difficult. I always pack organic peanut butter crackers, almonds, and bananas in my luggage along with my filtered water bottle.
Do you have any tips for families who want to make some healthy lifestyle changes?
Start by changing what you eat. Start tracking food by the nutrients instead of calories, and you’ll be surprised how much sugar you’re eating.
Are there any foods that you consider to be off-limits completely?
Nothing is off limits (well except meat, but that’s a personal choice). I limit artificial colors, flavors, GMO’s, etc. I’m 100% vegetarian and 80% organic eater, but I do have 20% now and then that falls into the other categories.
In addition to eating right, do you have any other tips to share on overall wellness (i.e. sleep, relaxation techniques, fitness routines)?
I can’t exercise because of my neurological disorder so I am overweight. That doesn’t mean I don’t do what I can to keep moving and stay limber. I stretch in bed, keep my legs in constant motion while lying in bed, and do everything I can to keep from losing muscle tone.
To learn more about Connie’s journey, visit her blog Baby to Boomer Lifestyle to find recipes, reviews, DIY tips and much more!
by Cascade Ice on September 4, 2014
Knocking bad eating habits can be difficult, but thankfully we’re Kickin’ It with healthy living blogger Rachael Moshman today. Join Rachael’s journey on Shrinking Momster as she makes healthy lifestyle choices for her and her family. She shares her weight-loss story, recipes and more!
Why is “Healthy Living” important to you?
I’m a mom and want to be around for my daughter for a really long time. However, I got a big wake up call from my doctor that I wasn’t living like that was my goal. I realized that in order to be the strong, healthy mom she deserves for many years to come, I needed to lose weight and get my health in control. I started to chronicle my journey to lose weight, get fit and overcome my battle with emotional eating.
Who are your “Healthy Living” role models and why?
Vinnie Tortorich, author of “Fitness Confidential,” has given me lots of great no-nonsense, easy-to-implement advice. Kai Hibbard speaks out about the dangers of reality TV weight loss competitions. I also admire my friend Ruth who makes fitness a priority, no mater what else is going on in her life – she even rocks a Wonder Woman bathing suit while doing it!
What is your go-to healthy meal when you are short on time?
Ham, cheese and veggie omelet with a side of fruit – and not just in the morning. We love breakfast for dinner at our house.
Do you have any tips for families who want to make some healthy lifestyle changes?
Make small changes in a fun way and get the kids involved. For example, let everyone pick a new fruit or veggie to try at the farmer’s market. Also, get in physical activity every day, such as a walk around the block or dancing around the living room.
Are there any foods that you consider to be off-limits completely?
I would have said edamame until a few days ago, but that’s just because I thought I hated it. (Then I tried edamame hummus on an airplane and really liked it!) I don’t consider any foods off-limits, unless there is a food allergy or intolerance. Finding the balance in “all things in moderation” is something I’m still working on, though. Making treats just that – an occasional treat – is admittedly a challenge for me.
In addition to eating right, do you have any other tips to share on overall wellness (i.e. sleep, relaxation techniques, fitness routines)?
Make time for yourself. So many of us give to everyone else – our kids, our spouses, our jobs, our parents, our volunteer obligations – and save nothing for ourselves. You have to take care of yourself or you’ll run out of steam and have nothing left to give to anyone. Plus, you deserve to give yourself the same care you give everyone else.
What is your favorite Cascade Ice flavor and why?
It’s a tie between the Coconut Pineapple and the Pink Grapefruit. The Coconut Pineapple reminds me of a pina colada – how can you not relax while sipping those flavors? I’m a Florida native, so I’m partial to all things citrus. I love the sweet and tart mixture of Pink Grapefruit.
To see more of Rachael’s tips, visit her blog Shrinking Momster. You can also connect with her on Facebook, and Twitter.
by Cascade Ice on August 7, 2014
As a working mom it may be hard to stick to a healthy lifestyle, but doing so is a great way to set an example for your kids. Luckily, we’re Kickin’ It with lifestyle blogger Cassie Freeman at Hi Sugarplum! She’s sharing some tips on how to balance food choices to achieve a healthy lifestyle for you and your family.
Why is “Healthy Living” important to you?
I want to teach my kids healthy habits and attitudes about themselves and food, and the best way is to live it myself.
What is your go-to healthy meal when you are short on time?
I’m a working mom, so time is short more often than not. I’m guilty of pulling out a frozen pizza or mac & cheese at least once a week, but I’ll serve it with a green smoothie. I figure the spinach and fruit, with Greek yogurt, balances out the junky part of the dinner. #Rationalization
Are there any foods that you consider to be off-limits completely?
No foods are off limits completely because then we’ll just crave them more, which will lead to over-eating. I’m big on moderation.
To see more of Cassie’s tips, visit her personal blog Hi Sugarplum. You can also connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest!