by Cascade Ice on November 7, 2013

This week, we are “kickin’ it” with Alli Doubek from Couponing for 4. Alli is a frugal living blogger who shares her coupons, deals and steals to help you get the most bang for your buck. See Alli’s tips for living a healthy and frugal life, below!

Why is “Healthy Living” important to you?
Because we only get one body! I want to be a good example for my children.
Who are your “Healthy Living” role models and why?
I have always been a fan of people like Kate Winslet. Women who embrace their curves and represent themselves in a healthy way are my role models.
What is your go-to healthy meal when you are short on time?
Avocado, turkey and lite cream cheese on whole grain bread. Yum!
Do you have any tips for families who want to make some healthy lifestyle changes?
Choose one thing to start with and build from there. For example, for the next three weeks, I’m going to drink 8 glasses of water every day. Create the habit and then add a new one.
Are there any foods that you consider to be off-limits completely?
I believe that nothing is off limits. You should be able to eat everything in moderation.
In addition to eating right, do you have any other tips to share on overall wellness?
When you are under stress, you eat more. Try to meditate every day or do yoga or read a book. Do something to clear your mind.
What is your favorite Cascade Ice flavor and why?
Pomegranate Berry Cascade Ice is my favorite. I’m a berry girl and this is addictive!

Like Alli’s Couponing For 4 blog on Facebook and subscribe to her blog to stay up-to-date on her frugal living tips!
by Cascade Ice on May 11, 2011
The Flavorful Life is featuring several “healthy living journey” stories from Cascade Ice fans around the country, where guest bloggers tell us their thoughts on how they face challenges and come up with new ideas to pursue better health and fitness lifestyles. The following is the latest update from Rebecca Warren of Ohio.
I don’t know about you, but the word “dieting” should be up there with those bad words that you were taught never to use growing up as a child. It’s a horrible word and makes me break out into a cold sweat just thinking about it! However, because it is life and something that I personally need to do, I do it. I’m not the girl who can eat whatever I want without gaining a pound. Sure, I can eat whatever I want, but I can assure you that I will gain a pound and then some more, and some more, and some more!
I’ve been a member of Weight Watchers for years. It has helped in many ways, but I will tell you the most helpful part of the weekly meetings isn’t being held accountable to the required weigh-in, but the helpful suggestions and ideas from the other members. The meeting that I attend has a new leader, and she has incorporated a portion of the meeting where we can bring products to share with the other members. Typically, the products are a low-point food or drink. It’s amazing how much food is out there in the grocery store that you frequent but you just don’t notice!
Sometimes, there is a hidden gem that no one knows about, such as my love for Cascade Ice. This was my show-and-tell item recently, and the soda drinkers were thrilled to hear about it! It’s the bubble in the drink that wins over your heart! Okay, okay – it’s the bubble, the taste and lack of calories all combined. It’s everything about it!
Since my New Years Resolution was to drink more water, Cascade Ice has helped me stay true to going in the right direction. I am a true addict of a particular diet soda and there is no denying it. Though I still love it, and I still drink it daily, I’ve been able to add some more variety into my day by drinking Cascade Ice during the day and in the evening.
Wanna know a secret? I may or may not have added a hint of extra flavored fun to a particular Mixed Berry 2-calorie drink over a weekend, and found that it is wonderful special occasion drink! Cheers to you!
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Healthy Living
by Cascade Ice on May 3, 2011

May’s issue of Today’s Diet & Nutrition magazine featured alongside popular, new healthy products for summer. Did you know that Cascade Ice 2-calorie water can be used as a summer cocktail mixer for guiltless drinks to enjoy by the pool? Cascade Ice even has a line of skinny cocktail mixers available, all of which are under 10 calories!
To read the Today’s Diet & Nutrition article on Cascade Ice, click here.
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As Seen In
by Cascade Ice on February 21, 2011
Cascade Ice was featured in a blog called Adventures, Cupcakes & Sweet Wines. The blogger was a devout fan of Diet Coke so she was surprised by her willingness to forgo the soda for a bottle of bubbly Cascade Ice! To read about how Cascade Ice has helped Rebecca with her New Years Resolution click here!

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