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Our Favorite Healthy Breakfast Ideas

by Cascade Ice on October 16, 2020

With the Fall season comes the feeling that life gets back into more of a “routine” again, and even though it hasn’t been a typical year, people are looking for ways to bring a healthy balance to their lives when so much is uncertain. Starting your day off on the right foot with a healthy breakfast is one way to maintain a healthy balance and increase your chances of having a great day!

A healthy breakfast should be high in protein so that it gives you lasting energy throughout the morning, and should also be low in sugar, so that you don’t crash. The first two recipes below can be made in advance, to make your mornings even easier while you’re on the go. Check out our recipes for delicious, healthier options for breakfast:

Apple Cinnamon Overnight Oats

½ cup Old fashioned oats

½ cup almond milk

½ cup chopped apple

Dash of fresh lemon juice 

½ teaspoon cinnamon

1 teaspoon honey 

Combine oats and almond milk in a jar. Coat the apple with the lemon juice and add to the jar, sprinkling cinnamon on top. Chill overnight in the refrigerator. When you wake up, stir, top with honey and enjoy! 

Veggie Frittata Muffins

8 eggs

⅓ cup almond milk

½ teaspoon salt

Dash of pepper 

2 large handfuls of chopped fresh spinach 

1 cup chopped tomatoes

1 cup chopped onion

⅓ cup crumbled feta

Set oven to 350°F and prep muffin pan with cooking spray. In a bowl, scramble eggs with almond milk, salt and pepper. Fill each muffin space ½ full, and divide the spinach, tomatoes, onions and feta and pour on top. Bake for 20 minutes. Store extras in the fridge and simply microwave when you’re ready to eat them!

Green Machine Smoothie

1 cup unsweetened almond milk

½ cup of Cascade Ice Sparkling Water in Kiwi Strawberry

1 frozen banana

1 cup spinach

1 tbsp peanut butter

1 vanilla protein powder

Blend all ingredients together thoroughly, pour in favorite cup and enjoy!

What’s your favorite go-to healthy breakfast? Tell us in the comments below, or share a photo! Remember to “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Cascade Ice Sparkling Autumn Sangria

by Cascade Ice on October 16, 2020

Need a cocktail recipe that will warm you up and satisfy a few of your closest friends or family? This sparkling autumn sangria is filled with crisp apples, juicy orange slices and sweet cranberries, along with warm fall spices. It’s a perfect way to end a day of pumpkin patch visiting or apple picking while officially welcoming the Autumn season!

Not only can you make a big batch in advance and store it in your fridge (make sure to have the champagne on hand when you’re ready!) but it’s also low-sugar and low-calories. You could even make it without the alcohol for an even lighter version, and add more Cascade Ice Sparkling Water! We simply can’t think of a better way to celebrate fall than with a glass of this sparkling sangria. Cheers!

Cascade Ice Sparkling Autumn Sangria

Bottle of Chardonnay

Bottle of Champagne or prosecco

1/2 cup ginger simple syrup 

1 1/2 cups apple cider

2 bottles of Cascade Ice Sparkling Water in Cranberry Pomegranate 

3 cinnamon sticks

5 cloves

2 apples, thinly sliced

2 cups of fresh cranberries

1 orange, thinly sliced 

Combine all the ingredients except the champagne, Cascade Ice and garnishes in a large pitcher and stir. Chill the concoction for at least 10 hours. Store the sangria in the refrigerator for at least 10 hours. When you’re ready to serve, pour the bottle of prosecco and bottles of Cascade Ice into the sangria and pour in glass of your choice, garnished with apple and orange slices, and topped with fresh cranberries.


Have you ever made a sangria before? Tell us in the comments below, or share a photo! Remember to “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Ditch Sodas For Good by Swapping with Cascade Ice Sparkling Water

by Cascade Ice on October 2, 2020

Are you a self-described soda addict? Or perhaps you have a daily soda (or two) and don’t really know exactly what you’re consuming. We get it – that rush of sugar and caffeine can really help push you through a day where you feel like you’re dragging. But studies have shown that the long-term effects of soda consumption can lead to things like heart disease, diabetes and obesity. 

Many Cascade Ice fans have made the leap and nixed soda from their diet with the help of our sparkling waters. We have several different product lines with many different flavors to choose from, with zero sugar or calories. Twist the cap or pop the can open to reveal fizzy, fruity flavor that will never leave you bored. We promise you won’t miss soda one bit!

Want more proof that it’s time to kick sodas to the curb? Check out our scorecard compared to an average soda:

Typical soda

240 calories

75 mg of sodium

65 grams of sugar

57 mg of caffeine


Cascade Ice USDA Organic Sparkling Water

0 calories

0 sodium

0 sugar

0 caffeine

Still want the caffeine? Our Cascade Ice Organic Caffeinated line is for you! Clean caffeine with crisp flavor, and just the right amount of caffeine to keep you going. 

Have you kicked your soda habit using Cascade Ice as an alternative? Tell us in the comments below, or share a photo! Remember to “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Tips for Self-Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic

by Cascade Ice on August 21, 2020

The current world we live in can often feel overwhelming. We’re inundated with news and new information, and many are juggling difficult career situations or working from home along with caring for family. But what about taking good care of your own health and well-being? With so many things going on during the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s easy to forget that we need to set aside time to make sure we’re managing our lives in the healthiest ways possible. This includes daily self-care. 

Self-care can look differently to different people. Perhaps it’s getting out for a nice long walk around the neighborhood, or maybe it’s cooking up some comfort food. Whatever you choose to do each day, make sure that it helps to keep your mind and body healthy – even if that means turning off the news! Here are just a few tips that you can use to take care of yourself during uncertain times like these.

Eat healthy foods and maintain a well-balanced diet as best you can. Make sure to include in-season vegetables and fruits, lean meats and grains, and take a multivitamin to fill in any gaps in your diet.

Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and keep your brain functioning optimally. If you feel fatigued, it’s likely due to dehydration, so make sure to drink at least half of your body weight in ounces (even more if you work out)

Give yourself little “treats” to make life fun. Staying at home can be monotonous, so it’s fun to incorporate spontaneous things like a family dance party or a fun, new cocktail recipe!

Get some form of exercise everyday. This may sound daunting, but climbing a flight of stairs or taking your dog for a walk is considered exercise. Getting your blood flowing has amazing benefits for your mental health, too.

Practice deep breathing. Take a few minutes each day (it’s best to do this first thing in the morning to set the tone for your day) to close your eyes and take several slow, deep breaths and focus on something. It will help clear your mind and put you in a happier mood instantly!

Utilize technology to maintain connections with friends and family that may not be nearby. While the state of the world has prevented us from socializing like we used to do, social media and video calls provide an amazing way to stay connected to others.

Practice graciousness. While times are tough, we could all acknowledge that we have things to be grateful for. The biggest one? Our health! Consider writing 3 things you’re grateful for each day in a gratitude journal and reminding yourself of those things throughout your day. It will put you in a positive mindset for the entire day.

Help others in need. While this may not seem like traditional self-care, many people report feelings of happiness when they reach out and help others. Check on older people in your community, or donate money or supplies to local organizations in need.

What are some ways that you have practiced self-care? Tell us in the comments below, or share a photo! Remember to “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram