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It’s National Cookie Day! Celebrate with these Healthy Cookie Ingredient Swaps!

by Cascade Ice on December 4, 2019

It’s National Cookie Day! What better way to celebrate than to whip up a batch of homemade cookies? While sugar tends to be the main ingredient in most cookie recipes, you can get creative with alternatives to make them easier on your diet. Check out our handy list below for some easy baking ingredient alternatives. Happy snacking!

Unsweetened applesauce – Swap one cup of unsweetened applesauce for one cup of sugar to drastically slash fat and calories. Try it in oatmeal cookies!

Honey – If you’re simply looking to lessen the amount of sugar in a recipe, honey is the way to go! Honey is full of nutrients like vitamins and minerals, and won’t send your blood sugar soaring. For every 1 cup of sugar, substitute 1/2 cup of honey.

Wheat flour – Skipping the traditional white flour used in most cookie recipes and swapping with whole wheat flour can save you from consuming empty calories and refined carbs. To make the switch, sub in one cup of wheat flour for one cup of white flour for a healthier alternative.

Bananas – Can you believe the mashed bananas can make an easy swap for butter? Bananas contain potassium and their sweet flavor makes it perfect for baking. Simply replace a cup of butter with 3/4 cup of pureed banana in your cookie recipe. 

And of course, what goes better with a cookie than an ice-cold beverage? Cascade Ice Sparkling Water comes in 18 flavor combinations to complement your favorite kind of cookie. Check out our full flavor lineup here!

Will you be enjoying cookies today? What kind? Tell us in the comments below, or share a photo of your own healthy ingredient swap! Remember to “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

What Makes Sparkling Water so Fizzy?

by Cascade Ice on October 14, 2019

“Sparkling Water.” We’ve heard the name so many times, especially now that sparkling waters are rising in popularity, and often considered a great alternative to sugary soda. But what exactly gives sparkling water those bubbles that tickle your tongue? 

Sparkling water, also known as carbonated water, is water that has been infused with carbon dioxide gas under pressure during the manufacturing process. Carbon dioxide on its own does not contain color or flavor, it just adds that bubbly fun sensation we crave to quench our thirst. 

Interestingly, a carbonated drink may even enhance digestion by improving swallowing ability and reducing constipation.

For best results, drink your Cascade Ice cold and keep the bottle (or can) sealed tight until you’re ready to drink it, the bubblier your drink will be! 

Cascade Ice Waters are healthier hydration options that provide fewer calories than soda, so it’s no wonder that more people are reaching for the latest flavors to satisfy their carbonated drink cravings.

What’s your favorite way to get your “fizz” fix? Tell us in the comments below and “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Healthy, On-the-Go Snack Ideas

by Cascade Ice on September 11, 2014

We all know you work hard and are busy day-in and day-out, making it difficult to maintain healthy eating habits. Today on our blog, we’re talking nutritious snacks that are easy to grab on-the-go. First up? Say goodbye to soda and hello to Cascade Ice’s Organic sparkling waters! With yummy flavors like Mixed Berry, Citrus Twist and our two newest flavors Blueberry and Grapefruit, you won’t miss soda one bit. Check out these two snack pairings and be sure to add them to your grocery list ASAP!


Prepare a few small plastic bags filled with almonds and store in your desk, briefcase or purse. Almonds are a great source for protein, which will help you stay fuller for a longer period of time. Wash ’em down with a refreshing bottle of Cascade Ice Organic Blueberry to give you a little pep in your step!

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If you have a little more time on your hands and are craving something sweet, simply grab an apple, peanut butter and some cinnamon. Slice the apple, dip the pieces in either peanut or almond butter and sprinkle cinnamon on top to add a kick of flavor. Pair with a bottle of Cascade Ice Organic Grapefruit to further satisfy your taste buds!

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Want to give these ideas a try? Check out Cascade Ice Organic’s Where to Buy map to find a retailer near you! Be sure to follow us on Facebook as well to receive the latest updates on our product availability, contests and more.

Kickin’ It With “My Other City By The Bay” Blogger Tracy Ann Guida

by Cascade Ice on January 9, 2014

Happy Thursday! This week, we are kickin’ it with Lifestyle blogger Tracy Ann Guida, author of My Other City By The Bay. Tracy is a fit foodie from Northern California on a quest to fall in love with Florida. Check out her healthy living tips!

Why is “Healthy Living” important to you?

Ever since I was young, I have always been committed to eating healthy. One of my first role models was Madonna and her dedication to fitness inspired me when I was just 12 years old. I find that when I stick to a healthy eating plan and regular exercise, I feel better and have more energy. While I do allow myself cheat days, I am always sure to run an extra mile or two so I can have that slice of pizza or piece of cake.

Who are your “Healthy Living” role models and why?

The two that first come to mind are my two friends here in Tampa – Liz Kieffer and Stephanie Sanchez May. These two lovely ladies, who happen to be sisters-in-law, are incredibly dedicated to physical fitness and healthy eating. They both inspire me on a daily basis.

What is your go-to healthy meal when you are short on time.

My go-to healthy meal is grilled chicken and steamed broccoli. I always have both on hand.

Do you have any tips for families who want to make some healthy lifestyle changes?

Replace sugary drinks with healthy alternatives such as fruit infused water and Cascade Ice. My kids love adding fresh fruit to their water such as orange and lemon slices. Always be sure to have healthy snacks on hand such as fruit, veggies, celery sticks with peanut butter, etc. Swap TV time for group walks or bike rides.

Are there any foods that you consider to be off-limits completely?

I never eat white bread and only have fried food once in a blue moon.

In addition to eating right, do you have any other tips to share on overall wellness?

Sleep and hydration are essential. You must maintain your daily water intake and sleep is vital for health and wellness.

What is your favorite Cascade Ice flavor and why?

I love Coconut Cascade Ice. It reminds me of a tropical drink and I enjoy sipping on it while trying to stay cool in the Florida heat.


Connect with Tracy Ann Guida through her Facebook and Twitter!