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It’s National Cookie Day! Celebrate with these Healthy Cookie Ingredient Swaps!

by Cascade Ice on December 4, 2019

It’s National Cookie Day! What better way to celebrate than to whip up a batch of homemade cookies? While sugar tends to be the main ingredient in most cookie recipes, you can get creative with alternatives to make them easier on your diet. Check out our handy list below for some easy baking ingredient alternatives. Happy snacking!

Unsweetened applesauce – Swap one cup of unsweetened applesauce for one cup of sugar to drastically slash fat and calories. Try it in oatmeal cookies!

Honey – If you’re simply looking to lessen the amount of sugar in a recipe, honey is the way to go! Honey is full of nutrients like vitamins and minerals, and won’t send your blood sugar soaring. For every 1 cup of sugar, substitute 1/2 cup of honey.

Wheat flour – Skipping the traditional white flour used in most cookie recipes and swapping with whole wheat flour can save you from consuming empty calories and refined carbs. To make the switch, sub in one cup of wheat flour for one cup of white flour for a healthier alternative.

Bananas – Can you believe the mashed bananas can make an easy swap for butter? Bananas contain potassium and their sweet flavor makes it perfect for baking. Simply replace a cup of butter with 3/4 cup of pureed banana in your cookie recipe. 

And of course, what goes better with a cookie than an ice-cold beverage? Cascade Ice Sparkling Water comes in 18 flavor combinations to complement your favorite kind of cookie. Check out our full flavor lineup here!

Will you be enjoying cookies today? What kind? Tell us in the comments below, or share a photo of your own healthy ingredient swap! Remember to “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

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