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Easy Ways to Make Your Diet More Nutritious

by Cascade Ice on March 5, 2021

March is National Nutrition Month, and that means we are focused on the best ways to make our diets packed with more nutrition to feed and nurture our bodies. This sounds daunting – but does it have to be? No way! Below we give you some quick tips on how to make each food and beverage choice more nutritious, so you can live a longer, healthier life!

Choose Whole Grains

Carbs are NOT the enemy, even though we’ve been led to believe that by the diet industry. Instead of focus on eliminating carbs, which are essential to many of the body’s functions, pay attention to specific ingredients. Refined grains have been linked to countless health issues, so when you’re shopping for bread and cereals, read the label to make sure it’s made with whole grains and seeds only, not a mixture of whole and refined grains. 

Make an Egg-Cellent Breakfast

Another lie we’ve been told? That eggs have too much cholesterol and should be eliminated from your diet. Eggs are actually a fantastic source of protein, and they’re packed with essential nutrients like choline that keep your body functioning optimally. 

Studies have even shown that eating eggs in the morning can increase feelings of “fullness” and can prevent you from consuming too many calories throughout the rest of your day. Cheers for eggs!

Drink Enough Water

We may seem like a broken record, but it truly is one of the most important facets of good health and nutrition – make sure you are properly hydrated! Drinking your daily dose of water may benefit weight loss, reduce appetite, and help your organs function more efficiently to rid the body of waste and toxins. It’s even been shown to increase energy! If plain old water is too boring, try one of the many sparkling water varieties that Cascade Ice has to offer. 

Take some High-Quality Supplements

Even if you were 100 percent diligent about eating healthy all the time, you’d still likely be lacking certain nutrients in your diet. A daily multivitamin supplement is a great way to make sure you’re not missing out on any crucial vitamins and minerals. Vitamin D is one of the most common deficiencies in our diet, and it’s extremely important for bone health and your immune system function. Omega-3’s is another crucial nutrient that Americans typically lack, so taking high quality supplements daily can really help you achieve your body’s full, healthy potential. 

Don’t Overcomplicate it

If a healthy eating or diet plan sounds more complicated than it should be, it’s likely not going to be effective for you in the long term. Instead of trying to make a complete overhaul of your diet, focus instead on making small, daily goals that over time will become lifelong healthy habits that you can stick with. For example, make simple switches like trading that 30-minute TV show for a neighborhood walk, or shutting off your electronics 30 minutes before bedtime and aiming for 8 hours of sleep each night. You’ll be pleased to find out that all of these small daily decisions end up benefiting your overall health, and you’ll feel and look better too!

How do you live a healthier, more nutritious lifestyle? Tell us in the comments below or share a photo! Remember to “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

4 Things You’ll Notice Right Away When You Stay Hydrated

by Cascade Ice on February 12, 2021

It seems like such a simple thing … drinking plenty of water each day. But life gets busy, and we forget to make staying hydrated a priority. Next thing you know, you may start feeling the effects of being dehydrated. Believe it or not, hydration affects most functions inside your body, making it one of the most important things you can do to feel and look your best every day. 

When you make it a habit to prioritize drinking water, you’ll notice the benefits right away. Here are some things you’ll notice!

You feel focused 

Do you ever feel like you get sidetracked easily, and you can’t focus on the task at hand? Drink a big glass of water and watch what happens! Even mild dehydration can affect your ability to focus, as water is one of the most essential needs in our bodies. Since our bodies are made up mostly of water, it makes it even more important to replenish it to feed and cleanse our system. 

You’re less tempted to snack

When hunger strikes, make sure you’re not experiencing thirst instead. Sometimes our body can trick us into thinking we are hungry for food when we simply aren’t getting the recommended amount of water through food and liquids. When you consume plenty of water, you’ll notice right away that your snack habit will subside. Still crave a kick? Try Cascade Ice Sparkling Water for a little something different, while still meeting your daily hydration goals. 

You have a glow 

Skin benefits greatly from hydration, and for some people – it can prevent aging and make the skin’s surface feel softer and get rid of blemishes. The reason why? Our skin is our largest organ, and it relies on water to produce new cells to give us the appearance of a “glow” or youthful skin. When you add more H20 to your diet, your skin will likely be one of the first parts of your body to notice!

Your mood will change

Feel like you’re always in a funk? Not drinking enough water can really mess with your mood, from shifting hormone levels to making you feel tired. To give yourself a little “treat”, try adding some flavor to your water by cutting up fresh fruit and dropping it in, or try a flavored sparkling water variety to switch things up. Bubbly water offers the same benefits as regular water, so drink up, and watch your mood improve!

With all these immediate benefits to staying hydrated, how do you know how much water you need each day? It varies per person, but experts agree that a minimum of 6-8 eight-ounce glasses of water should be your goal. However, some adults may need more or less depending on their health, medications, activity level, climate, etc. Check with your doctor to see about the perfect amount for you.

Have you noticed immediate benefits of being hydrated? Tell us in the comments below or share a photo! Remember to “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

A Quick and Easy Guide to Healthy Meal Prep

by Cascade Ice on February 3, 2021

One of the most common pitfalls in creating and maintaining a healthy diet is not being prepared. When we’re prepared with healthy food options, we’re more likely to make better, more nutritious choices and stick to our game plan. However, when we’re simply left to “wing it”, it’s easy to go with what’s convenient – bagged snacks and fast food. Instead of falling off track with your healthy goals, simply take the time to establish a weekly meal prep routine. How? Here are some quick and easy tips on how to be successful at healthy meal planning.

Plan Ahead

This is the most important part of meal prepping. But you don’t have to overthink it. Think about what dishes you feel like eating in the week ahead and ask yourself what sounds good. And, if your ideal meal is less than healthy, the Internet has a ton of ideas for ingredient swaps to make a meal better for you. Loved a meal you made? Make sure to write notes on what you loved and didn’t love so you can adapt your menu in the weeks to come. 

Make a Grocery List

With a healthy eating plan, you’ll definitely be consuming lots of fruits, veggies and lean proteins. Plan a weekly grocery trip with your list in hand and try not to deviate from what you came there for. By hitting the store weekly, you’ll be getting fresh ingredients each week, and you can better stick to your plan.

Buy Convenient, Portable Containers

The best meal prep containers are glass and have separate compartments for each menu item. Plastic works as well. Make sure that the containers are easy to take with you on the road, so that you can eat on the go if needed. Simply search “meal prep containers”, and you’ll be amazed at how many options are available. 

Practice Portion Control

Another reason why meal prepping can truly help people maintain and lose weight is because it helps you practice portion control without really realizing it! It’s also where the right meal prep containers can play a big part. Try to have a portion of lean protein, vegetables, and healthy carbohydrates in each of your meals. If you have food allergies, you can search terms like “dairy free healthy recipes” or “gluten free healthy recipes” to get some inspiration. 

Don’t Forget to Hydrate!

An often overlooked part of a healthy diet, but one of the most important…make sure you are well-hydrated! And thirst can often be mistaken for hunger. Not to mention, there are recent studies that suggest that people who drink water before meals eat an average of 75 fewer calories at each meal. Is regular water too boring? Reach for a Cascade Ice Sparkling Water to spark things up!

Do you meal prep? Tell us in the comments below or share a photo! Remember to “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

January is ‘Life a Balanced Life’ Month. What are you doing to achieve a healthy balance?

by Cascade Ice on January 8, 2021

What exactly does it mean to live a balanced life? For different people, “balanced” might mean different things. Life is a balancing act between fulfilling our desires and obligations to our family, friends, career and health. And if one area of our life gets more attention, it tends to throw off the other areas. So how do you achieve a balanced, healthy lifestyle?

A great place to start is by writing down where you think your life is now, and where you’d like to see yourself improve. Are you chronically tired? Are you wanting to be in better shape? Do you long for closer relationships with your family and friends? Define what a healthy balance means to you and start there.

Another important thing to remember is that while having goals is a great way to motivate, make sure that you approach them realistically by making small, daily improvements to your relationships, your physical body, your spiritual needs, your mental health, career and finances. Here on our Flavorful Life blog, we talk a lot about how making small changes can have a big impact on your health for years to come. Check out some of our past blog posts!

Lastly, be flexible! Lifestyle balance cannot be made overnight and expect to change your course at least a few times. It’s quite normal to reassess how you feel about things, and decisions are definitely not etched in stone. If you feel something isn’t working, switch it up! Make time for yourself each day to “check in” and see which areas of your life need some rebalancing. We are all a work in progress!

How do you strive for a balanced life? Tell us in the comments below or share a photo! Remember to “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram