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Four Key Ways to Keep Fit While on the Go

by Cascade Ice on March 10, 2021

As the weather warms up you become more comfortable getting out of your home to travel again, you may be wondering how to stay on top of your healthy lifestyle. Of course you want to partake in fabulous meals and relax on the beach, but you also want to stay the course on your healthy living journey. So, what’s the best way to strike a good, healthy balance while traveling? We provide some quick and easy tips below!

Diet is more important than exercise

What you consume amounts to 80-90% of how you look and feel. While exercise is important, nutrition and diet are the holy grail when it comes to a healthy body. So how can you stay on top of your diet when there are treats and decadent meals everywhere when you travel? Don’t overcomplicate things. Eat whole foods most of the time and avoid liquid calories (Cascade Ice Sparkling Water is a perfect choice to stay hydrated with zero calories!). Aim for foods that are high in protein and fats that will keep you fuller longer, so you aren’t famished by the end of a hike or craving unhealthy foods at the end of a long travel day. Good choices that are easy to take on the go include trail mix, lean beef jerky, and single-serving hummus.

Have Fun While Being Active

Traveling is all about fun. And the fact that most of us have been quarantining for the past year makes the desire to have some memorable experiences even greater. So why not combine the fun with physical activity? Even if your vacation is all about relaxation, make sure you find a few times throughout your day to burn some calories and get your body moving. Dancing can burn up to 400 calories an hour, and moderate hiking can burn around 500. Many resorts and outdoor recreation areas will offer designated places and even classes to get your blood flowing. So enjoy yourself, but make the exercise part of the fun!

Drink plenty of H2O

When you’re traveling, you may get distracted from drinking your usual daily amount of water, but the truth is – you need more water when you’re traveling. From temperature and altitude fluctuations, to moving your body more than usual, you should make water consumption a priority during your travels. Make an effort to drink at least 1-2 glasses of water each hour. Bottled water can be expensive, so remember to bring your favorite travel bottle to fill up throughout the day. Cascade Ice offers plenty of different varieties of sparkling water to help you meet your daily goals. You can find out where to purchase Cascade Ice on our “where to buy” page.

Listen to your body

While you want to stay healthy while traveling, it’s simply not the time to be rigid. Flight delays, schedule changes and longer days can leave you feeling jet lagged and exhausted. Make sleep a priority on vacation and adjust your regular workout routines to be shorter and lighter to account for all of the activity. Traveling can do wonders for your mental health, but you also need to balance with your physical health – so, eat a balanced diet, get plenty of fresh air, and aim for 8 hours of sleep each night. Do you have any travel plans coming up?

How do you stay healthy while traveling? Tell us in the comments below or share a photo! Remember to “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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