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Hard Seltzers are Having a Moment … Here’s how you can easily make your own

by Cascade Ice on April 9, 2021

Everywhere you look these days, companies are coming up with a new offering for a “hard seltzer.” And for good reason – not only are they delicious, but they are also low in calories and sugar compared to other alcoholic beverages. But you don’t need to buy pre-packaged hard seltzers when you have the right ingredients (like Cascade Ice Sparkling Water) at home!

Here are a few refreshing homemade hard seltzer flavors that you can whip up for your next happy hour with minimal ingredients and saving some money in the process.

Lemon-Lime Mint

When you combine the tartness of lemon and lime with the refreshing taste of mint, you simply can’t go wrong. To whip up a lemon-lime mint flavored hard seltzer, simply muddle a small handful of fresh mint leaves and pour a can of Cascade Ice USDA Organic Sparkling Water in Lemon Lime  over 1 shot glass of tequila in your preferred glass. Garnish with fresh lime if desired. Make sure your sparkling water is cold – it makes for a crisp, slightly sweet drink on a warm day! 

Pink Grapefruit 

Reminiscent of the classic Greyhound cocktail, a hard seltzer with pink grapefruit is as delicious (and low calorie as can be!) Combine a can of Cascade Ice USDA Organic Sparkling Water in Pink Grapefruit with 1 shot glass of vodka and squeeze some fresh lime juice over the top. Want to get fancy? Add a sprig of fresh rosemary for garnish.

Ginger Orange 

This flavor packs a punch that tastes sweet and ever so slightly spicy! Take a can of Cascade Ice USDA Organic Sparkling Water in Ginger Lime, and add 2 shot glasses of champagne and a splash of pulp-free orange juice. Easy as that – and you can dress it up however you’d like with fresh fruit or any type of complimentary garnish.

What’s your favorite type of hard seltzer flavor? Tell us in the comments below or share a photo! Remember to “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

How to Be Healthy and Active While Working From Home

by Cascade Ice on March 31, 2021

When you work from home, you likely don’t realize how much time you spend sitting. But it’s simple and easy to counteract the negative effects of sitting too long by simply making a few, key changes to your daily lifestyle. If you’re interested in ways to stay more active during your stay-at-home workday, read on for a few key tips.

Stand up

When you sit most of the day while working on your computer, you lose much of the opportunity for your body to burn calories. A stand-up desk can be a game-changer in helping your body stay healthy, increasing your leg strength and endurance while you do it. But if a stand-up desk is simply not a practical option for you, instead, build 5-minute breaks into your day every 1-2 hours for some type of physical activity (think walking the dog, yoga, or meditation). Standing can burn as much as 50 percent more calories than sitting, so give it a try!

Cook at home

As the pandemic starts winding down and more businesses begin opening up, it’s so tempting to frequent restaurants again, and even grab takeout or fast food when it’s more convenient. But cooking at home will not only save you money in the long run – it will also help you stay healthier. Did you know that preparing and cooking your food at home can even burn calories? The best way to control what you eat is to skip the restaurants and plan your meals in advance, using nutritious ingredients made with whole foods. You can also meal prep for the week so you’re prepared to make healthy food choices. Do you get bored of cooking at home? Give yourself little “treats” every so often so that you don’t deprive yourself, and you have something to look forward to during long work days. Cascade Ice Sparkling Water is an awesome choice to treat yourself, with zero calories and no sugar!

Make Screen Time Exercise Time

We all love a good TV series or a scroll on social media. But how can you turn the inevitable daily screen time into something more productive? Try incorporating some small ways to get your heart pumping like jumping jacks, burpees or pushups during commercial breaks. Or, for every 20 minutes on social media, step outside and get some fresh air and sunshine. Build these daily habits into your routine, and it won’t even seem like a chore! 

What do you do to keep active and stay healthy while working from home? Tell us in the comments below or share a photo! Remember to “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

5 Healthy, Research-Backed Habits that Will Help You Live Longer

by Cascade Ice on March 26, 2021

A common misconception is that how long you live is determined mostly by genetics. But research shows that there are many daily habits you can adopt that will pave your way to a healthier lifestyle and ultimately help you live longer.

Read on for 5 research-backed tips on how to lengthen your life expectancy.

Eat More Plants

According to recent studies, eating a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds and nuts (similar to the Mediterranean diet) can promote longevity. 

Eating these foods regularly can reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease, depression, and can even keep your brain healthy. Why does a plant-based lifestyle do this? Because of all the vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants found in these foods – they can ward off disease better than any supplement can. Eating lots of plant-based foods can boost your overall health and keep your body performing well, longer.  

Stay Active Every Day

It’s no shock that staying physically active can keep your weight down and put you on track to being healthier overall. But did you know it can also add years to your life? Research shows that as few as 15 minutes of exercise each day can help you live longer! And additional studies have shown that the more physical activity, the less likely to die early. 

The most important thing is to simply start. If you’re currently sedentary, making small, slow changes such as a short daily walk or a gentle yoga session to elevate your heart rate and keep your blood flowing. 15 minutes each day is the goal, but even small amounts will help, so get moving! 

Prioritize your happiness

Mental health is often not prioritized like diet and exercise for most people, but it is incredibly important in prolonging your life. Recent research shows that feelings of happiness can increase your longevity. In fact, happier study participants had a 3.7% decrease in early death. 

Identify what it is that brings you feelings of happiness, whether it’s being outside or with friends and family, and make those things a priority daily. They will have positive effects not only on your mood but also your lifespan. 

Get some ZZZ’s 

The results of sleep studies have long been documented, and prove that getting enough quality sleep is needed for regulating cell function and helping your body recover from environmental stressors. But one study went even further to prove that regular sleep patterns and longevity are directly correlated. The study found that getting less than 5–7 hours per night is linked to a 12 percent greater risk of early death. Getting too little sleep can also put you at risk for some of the biggest chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease and obesity. 

So how should you establish sleep patterns for a long, healthy life? Start by aiming for 8 hours of sleep per night of uninterrupted sleep, and try going to bed at the same time each night. Also, avoid any distracting things 30 minutes before bed, such as bright lights and electronics. 

Stay hydrated

One of the simplest things you can do to make your body run like a well-oiled machine is drink plenty of water. Our bodies are made up mostly of water, so staying hydrated keeps you healthier. 

Being hydrated has proven time and again to help your body function its best, as well as ward off sickness, give you energy, and keep your body’s organs working their best. Therefore, studies suggest, you can expect that having a healthier, hydrated body will help add years onto your life. But what if the idea of chugging plain water all day is daunting? Cascade Ice Sparkling Water to the rescue! You can liven up your daily water intake with a little bit of flavor and zero calories or sugar. 

What daily, healthy habits do you make to add years onto your life? Tell us in the comments below or share a photo! Remember to “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Four Key Ways to Keep Fit While on the Go

by Cascade Ice on March 10, 2021

As the weather warms up you become more comfortable getting out of your home to travel again, you may be wondering how to stay on top of your healthy lifestyle. Of course you want to partake in fabulous meals and relax on the beach, but you also want to stay the course on your healthy living journey. So, what’s the best way to strike a good, healthy balance while traveling? We provide some quick and easy tips below!

Diet is more important than exercise

What you consume amounts to 80-90% of how you look and feel. While exercise is important, nutrition and diet are the holy grail when it comes to a healthy body. So how can you stay on top of your diet when there are treats and decadent meals everywhere when you travel? Don’t overcomplicate things. Eat whole foods most of the time and avoid liquid calories (Cascade Ice Sparkling Water is a perfect choice to stay hydrated with zero calories!). Aim for foods that are high in protein and fats that will keep you fuller longer, so you aren’t famished by the end of a hike or craving unhealthy foods at the end of a long travel day. Good choices that are easy to take on the go include trail mix, lean beef jerky, and single-serving hummus.

Have Fun While Being Active

Traveling is all about fun. And the fact that most of us have been quarantining for the past year makes the desire to have some memorable experiences even greater. So why not combine the fun with physical activity? Even if your vacation is all about relaxation, make sure you find a few times throughout your day to burn some calories and get your body moving. Dancing can burn up to 400 calories an hour, and moderate hiking can burn around 500. Many resorts and outdoor recreation areas will offer designated places and even classes to get your blood flowing. So enjoy yourself, but make the exercise part of the fun!

Drink plenty of H2O

When you’re traveling, you may get distracted from drinking your usual daily amount of water, but the truth is – you need more water when you’re traveling. From temperature and altitude fluctuations, to moving your body more than usual, you should make water consumption a priority during your travels. Make an effort to drink at least 1-2 glasses of water each hour. Bottled water can be expensive, so remember to bring your favorite travel bottle to fill up throughout the day. Cascade Ice offers plenty of different varieties of sparkling water to help you meet your daily goals. You can find out where to purchase Cascade Ice on our “where to buy” page.

Listen to your body

While you want to stay healthy while traveling, it’s simply not the time to be rigid. Flight delays, schedule changes and longer days can leave you feeling jet lagged and exhausted. Make sleep a priority on vacation and adjust your regular workout routines to be shorter and lighter to account for all of the activity. Traveling can do wonders for your mental health, but you also need to balance with your physical health – so, eat a balanced diet, get plenty of fresh air, and aim for 8 hours of sleep each night. Do you have any travel plans coming up?

How do you stay healthy while traveling? Tell us in the comments below or share a photo! Remember to “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.