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5 Tips for Healthy Kids this School Year

by Cascade Ice on August 17, 2023

A new school year is upon us, which happens to be a perfect time to establish new healthy habits for your kids (or even find ways to easily stick to old healthy habits!) Childhood is an ideal time to put healthy habits into place, as they are more likely to stick to a healthier lifestyle as they grow into adulthood. So, what are some small, easy ways to get started on making your child’s life as healthy as it can be so that they can grow strong? Read on for 5 simple tips to jumpstart your child’s school year with some healthy habits. 

Make meals a family event

Studies have shown that when a child is involved in the cooking of meals that they are more likely to develop healthy eating habits and be exposed to a wider range of foods. Try to not only involve them in cooking meals, but also shopping for food. Educate them about ingredients, food sources, and the best way to prepare different types of foods. Strive to eat meals together as a family at least 5 times each week. You’ll find that communication and eating habits both improve by sticking to this ritual!

Rethink your drink

Water is king when it comes to prioritizing the types of drinks your children should be reaching for. But kids love to have a little something fun, and there are ways to keep your kids hydrated without succumbing to boredom. Flavored sparkling waters like Cascade Ice Sparkling Water is a great way to offer your kids something different, and it’s a great alternative to sugary sodas. And with so many sugar-free flavors, you can offer variety in their choices, so they feel empowered to make their own healthy choices to stay hydrated.

Establish your child’s contributions

Call them whatever you want – “chores”, “contributions” – experts agree it’s healthy for kids to have daily tasks that help keep the household running. Involve your child in chores and try to make it fun. Turn vacuuming into a race or blast some music and turn laundry folding into a dance party! Make certain goals to achieve by accomplishing a certain number of chores each week and celebrate together as a family – experts agree that when children contribute work to the family and have assigned roles to help, their mental health is improved and they feel a bigger sense of belonging. 

Hit the “off” button

We live in a society that revolves around electronics. But taking regular breaks, especially for growing children, is imperative for healthy bodies and minds. Set up a regular daily schedule for Internet and social media use and try to limit it to 1-2 hours each day. Try to align your time online with your children’s, so that time spent off devices is spent together as a family. Get outside, go for a walk, play board games, or get involved in extracurricular activities like sports. 

Prioritize sleep

Kids grow so fast, so their brains and bodies need lots of good quality, uninterrupted sleep in order to keep up. If children don’t get enough sleep, they can struggle with schoolwork and their mood can suffer. Ideal ranges of sleep depend on a child’s age, but a typical school-aged child between 6-13 years old should get between 9-11 hours of sleep each night. Establish a regular routine each night where lights are turned low, screens are off, and reading is the main activity. You’ll find that if you get these regular nightly routines in place, falling and staying asleep is easier, and you’ll be a happier household overall. 

How do you prioritize your child’s health and wellness? Let us know in the comments below or share a photo! Remember to “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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