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5 Easy Ways to Keep Your Skin Healthy

by Cascade Ice on April 13, 2023


Spring is here, which means the weather is warming up and the sunshine is sticking around for a while. With the warmer temperatures inevitably comes more sun exposure for your skin. You’ve probably always heard that the skin is the body’s largest organ, but did you know that when it’s not healthy, it’s not able to act as a strong barrier to protect you?

Your skin has many functions, but the most important role is to protect us from pollution, viruses and chemicals that are present in our atmosphere. Skin also regulates your core body temperature, protects important internal organs, and acts as a manager to maintain and control fluids (among many other things!). While many factors play into how healthy your skin can be, such as age, genetics, disease and hormones, there are several things you can do to better the health of your skin. Here are just a few quick, simple ways to keep your skin healthy and glowing all Spring and Summer long:

Control life stressors

While many of us lead demanding, fast-paced lives, keeping stress under control is a critical component in the health and well-being of your skin. Which is why some people may see blemishes pop up before a stressful life event. What can you do to keep stress under control? Try things like daily meditation practice, taking walks, doing breathing exercises and carving out time in your day to do things you really enjoy. Still feel stressed? Try to pinpoint what’s causing you to feel this way and take a good look at what you can change. After all, so many studies now are linking stress to disease, so it’s an important factor in your overall wellness. Take stress seriously and try to eliminate it from your life!

Drink lots of water 

Most people assume they are getting the right amount of hydration each day, but, unfortunately they aren’t. And you can chug a gallon of water each day, but most times this will not help with keeping your body hydrated. So, what to do? Try adding some electrolytes to your water to help your body absorb water better. Carry a reusable water bottle around with you all day and aim to consume an ounce of water for each pound you weigh – more if you exercise. Regular water gets boring? Try Cascade Ice Water for something different and fun!

Get your ZZZ’s

Get your beauty sleep! Have you ever noticed how tired your skin looks after a bad night’s sleep? Well, there is a science to that. The National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults get 7-9 hours of sleep each night, and practice good sleep hygiene such as turning the lights low an hour before bedtime and aiming for the same time getting to sleep each night. Sleep deprivation can have a big impact on your skin’s functioning and appearance. And with only a little amount of sleep, your body doesn’t get the optimal amount of time each night to repair itself from environmental toxins and sun exposure. So, make sleep a priority and get your shut eye!

Cut out tobacco

Using tobacco products is one of the fastest ways to age your skin. It shrinks the blood vessels, which tanks the skin of the nutrients and oxygen it needs to look and feel healthy. Quitting tobacco products can prevent wrinkles and preserve your skin’s collagen. Trade the tobacco for a new healthy habit such as a fun hobby, a book club or a walking group. The more you make these healthy habits a daily thing, you’ll find it’s easier to keep cravings and unhealthy behaviors under control.

Use sun protection

While some sun exposure is good for your body to absorb Vitamin D, regulate hormones and give you a boost of energy, too much can be detrimental for your skin. To avoid sunburns from sun overexposure, try a daily sunscreen for your body and face. Also, make sure you’re tracking when the sun’s UV rays are the strongest throughout the day and avoid those times. Protect your body’s biggest organ with hats, sunglasses, and SPF!

What’s your favorite way to keep your skin healthy? Let us know in the comments below or share a photo! Remember to “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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