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5 ways to stay healthy during the holiday season

by Cascade Ice on December 23, 2021

‘Tis the season for wonderful times with family and friends, festive merriment, and lots and lots of food and drinks! It’s that time of year that even the healthiest and most disciplined people can get off track during the holiday season and feel like they lose progress. After all, treats and temptations are everywhere, and routines can get disrupted easily.

That said, there are some easy tips that can help holiday-proof your healthy living plans and stay on track with your health goals, all while still enjoying every moment of the holiday season. Read on for some ways you can stay healthy through the holidays and right on into the new year.

Prepare for Challenges

Holiday parties are notorious for sweet treats and calorie-laden, rich foods. The best way to avoid overindulging is to go into the holiday season with a plan. For example, if there are sweets you have your eye on, make sure to cut back on carbs during the big meal so that you don’t overeat. Or, if the meal is served later in the day, make sure to eat a small snack earlier in the day to keep your blood sugar steady. And if you do happen to get off track, simply get back to healthy eating with your next meal. Adding in more physical activity like a long neighborhood walk or dance party can get your blood flowing and burn off some of those holiday feast calories.

Make some Healthy Swaps

When you’re faced with a buffet of delicious holiday food, and you certainly don’t want to miss out, you can simply make some small, healthier swaps instead of going without. With a slice of apple pie, choose whipped cream instead of ice cream and save over 150 calories. Instead of chips and dip, grab some fresh veggies instead and save 95 calories per serving. Skip the egg nog and enjoy a skinny cocktail or mocktail using Cascade Ice Sparkling Water instead, and cut over 200 calories!

Keep Moving

With the winter weather and packed schedule, physical activity could be the last thing on your to-do list. But getting your body moving is more important than ever during the holiday season because it not only helps burn calories, but it has also shown to help with stress and mental health. Plus, it can make up for any added calories you consume. So, sign up for a yoga class or take your dog for a walk.  

Get some Shut Eye

Long winter nights and social obligations can mean less sleep. When you’re sleep deprived, your brain tends to prefer foods that have a higher sugar and fat content, making it harder to make healthy food choices. Make sure to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night and be consistent with bedtimes and routines. Ensuring a good night’s rest will go far in safeguarding your body from fatigue and will help you stay strong through all the holiday temptations.

Stay Hydrated

It’s common knowledge that thirst can often be mistaken for hunger. When you’re busy, water intake is usually an afterthought. Make sure you’re staying properly hydrated throughout the day to help with digestion, brain function, and energy levels. Is plain water getting boring? Try a Cascade Ice USDA Organic Sparkling Water for a sugar-free way to stay hydrated with the perfect amount of fresh flavor. 

Most important of all, remember to enjoy all the holidays have to offer. Even if you get off track with your health goals, there is always tomorrow. The holiday season is meant to be surrounded by loved ones and indulging more than usual. With these tips, you can do all of that and still reach your health goals. Happy Holidays!

What is your favorite thing to indulge in during the holiday season? Tell us in the comments below or share a photo! Remember to “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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