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Instead of Making Resolutions, Try These 4 Things Instead

by Cascade Ice on December 30, 2020

Making New Year’s resolutions has become a tradition, and a vast majority of people tend to make resolutions to be healthier. But whether it’s to lose weight or exercise more, many healthy resolutions fizzle out just a few weeks into the year. So instead of setting ourselves up for failure, what can we do instead?

Attaining goals is all about making small changes daily that add up over time and end up becoming long term lifestyle changes. As humans, if we set our ambitions too high and don’t make our goals, we tend to self-sabotage or even feel guilty. Rather than start 2021 out on the wrong foot, try making these small, daily changes to your life!


A recent study found that 75 percent of Americans are chronically dehydrated, which leads to issues like fatigue, hunger, headaches, weakness, high blood pressure and even chronic joint pain. Keep water in various places in your home and car where it’s easily accessible so you can sip throughout the day. You can even set daily goals for yourself (they even sell large water bottles that have markings on the side showing where you should be at different times of day!). Regular water feels boring? Cascade Ice Sparkling Water offers plenty of different flavors and product lines to suit your needs and keep things interesting.

Get Some ZZZ’s

With the rise in electronic usage, we have also become sleep deprived. Try setting realistic limits for yourself to turn off your phone, tablet or TV at least 30 minutes before bedtime each night and try to establish a regular sleep routine. Aim for 8 hours of sleep per night, and make sure your room is dark and quiet. Sleep plays into our overall health, affecting everything from your ability to maintain a healthy weight to fending off depression and anxiety.

Interact with Others

In a global pandemic, it’s definitely tough for everyone to resume fun activities like parties and vacations, but it’s now more important than ever to make sure you’re not “over-isolated.” Try making a regular Zoom call with your family or even schedule a socially distanced outdoor picnic with a friend. The benefits of seeing those you love (even if it’s not in-person) are tremendous – talking with friends can boost the serotonin levels in your brain, leaving you feeling happier and more content. Get creative with ways you can interact with others on a daily basis and you’ll notice that your physical and mental health will get a boost!

Move Your Body

You don’t have to set your sights on establishing a strenuous new fitness routine. This daily goal can be as simple as taking the dog for a long walk twice a day (which benefits you AND your pup!), or even stretching and meditating at home. There are thousands of resources online to suit your preferences, but all that matters is that you move your body for 30 minutes out of your 24-hour day. You’ll be surprised how these small physical fitness goals can transform into an entire healthy lifestyle change, keeping you moving by becoming a habit.What healthy do you have for the new year? Tell us in the comments below or share a photo! Remember to “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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