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How to have the Perfect Summer Picnic

by Cascade Ice on July 29, 2020


Whether it’s a lovely lunch with your family or a getaway with your special someone, picnics are a great way to get out of the house, get some fresh air and enjoy the sunny summertime weather while indulging in some delicious food and drinks. Here are a few simple ways to assemble the perfect Summertime picnic!

Find your favorite seating

Whether it’s a cushy blanket or some foldable lawn chairs, you’ll want to be comfortable while you’re enjoying your picnic. Make sure you pack up the car with your ideal seating before you leave the house.

Purchase or make some pre-made food items

You don’t want to spend your valuable picnic time slicing and preparing the food you’re planning to eat. Wash and cut up fruit, and slice cheeses and bread before you leave, or purchase from the store already prepared so that you’re ready to enjoy it once you get there. Also, remember to place the food into sealed containers so bugs don’t get to it!

Figure out how you’ll get all your picnic supplies there

Whether it’s a traditional picnic basket, a sturdy cooler, or a big bag, make sure whatever you decide to bring all your supplies in can get dirty, wet, and it’s large enough to carry everything. Make sure to bring a trash bag or grocery bag to dispose of trash, in case there isn’t a trashcan nearby.

Whip up some special cocktails

Did you know that Cascade Ice offers tons of fun, healthy cocktail ideas for your picnic? You can even make “mocktails” if you’d rather not have alcohol. Whip them up ahead of time and add some ice while you’re there. The best part? They are all low-sugar and low-calorie, so you can stay on track while enjoying a nice beverage!What’s your favorite way to enjoy a summertime picnic? Tell us in the comments below, or share a photo! Remember to “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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