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Fourth of July Party Prep

by Cascade Ice on June 29, 2017

Fourth of July is approaching and we know you’re going to be throwing the best parties. Check out these fun, festive drink recipes that you can enjoy with your friends and family!

Wild Berry Cool-Down

Wild Berry Cool-Down

Have some fun in the sun with this refreshment! First, muddle one cup of raspberries, one cup of blackberries, and ½ a cup of blueberries in the bottom of a pitcher. Next, pour in Cascade Ice Zero Calorie Wild Berry to enhance the berry flavor and a splash of club soda for some extra bubbles. Pour into a mason jar and enjoy with friends!

Strawberry Lemonade Sangria

Strawberry Lemonade Sangria

First, pour Moscato wine, club soda, Cascade Ice Strawberry Lemonade and vodka to taste into a punch bowl or beverage dispenser. Next, thinly slice 1 cup of strawberries and half of a lemon and add into the mixture. Lightly squeeze in lemon juice with the remaining half of the lemon and then sit back to watch some fireworks!

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