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Keep the Sparkle Going!

by Cascade Ice on January 5, 2017

We hope 2017 is off to a great start. This week we’re talking ‘New Year, New You’ with fun steps to achieve your health resolutions including a fun recipe to celebrate your wins using Cascade Ice!

Before you hit the gym this year or break out the running shoes, remember this…you have to hydrate! Hydration is one of the most important steps in your daily life so why not ‘fizz’ it up with Cascade Ice? Whether it’s Cascade Ice Lemonade or Cherry Limeade, your daily intake of water is vital in achieving your health goals.

Not only can Cascade Ice help keep you hydrated but a daily intake of water can promote a better mood, can aid in weight loss and help flush out toxins! So grab your favorite flavor out of the fridge and get going! Once you run that mile, you’ve got some celebrating to do!


Cascade Ice Berry Sparkler

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This is an easy and healthy way to celebrate your achievements in your fitness journey this year! All you will need is your favorite dry or sweet champagne and Cascade Ice Wild Berry. In a champagne flute, fill 1/3 of the glass with Cascade Ice Wild Berry. Let the fizz settle and then pour in your chilled Champagne.

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