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Infusing Cascade Ice into your Holidays!

by Cascade Ice on December 8, 2016

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! This week we’re sharing holiday drink recipes that will become your go-to refreshment at your next holiday party.

Infused drinks are becoming more and more popular. It’s so simple – water and fruits. But what about replacing the water with a zero calorie AND organic mix of Cascade Ice Organic? Cascade Ice has 10 fruity mixtures in their Organic line that are all sugar and calorie free as well as USDA approved! The sparkling water will add a fun fizz to your infused water and, depending on which flavor you choose, will add delicious fruity flavors.

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Organic Citrus with a Twist

In your preferred beverage dispenser, add 2 sliced lemons, 1 sliced orange and a sliced lime. Fill the container halfway with Cascade Ice Organic Citrus Twist. Be sure to add enough room for ice! Leave your filled container at room temperature for 3-4 hours before adding ice. This will give your mixture time to fully infuse and provide a great flavor.

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Cascade Ice Christmas Punch

In a tall glass, add 3-4 cubes of ice and pour over 1.5 ounces of your favorite vodka. Next, add a splash of fruit punch and then top off the glass with Cascade Ice Wild Berry. Add a festive straw and stir!


Feel free to add more or less of an ingredient to get your desired taste and the most important part is to enjoy these healthy and refreshing beverages made with Cascade Ice!

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