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Cascade Ice’s Coconut Highball

by Cascade Ice on November 17, 2016

Hey Cascade Ice fans! Today we have a classic cocktail with a Cascade Ice twist. Introducing the Cascade Ice Coconut Highball!

The invention of the highball or “high priest of tall drinks”, was originally claimed by Patrick Gavin Duffy, bartender at Manhattan’s Ashland House and that was around 1890. We’re guessing the creators of this classic drink wish they had some Cascade Ice back then because it’s an awesome evening-sipper with a little bit of Coconut thrown into the mix!


First, start off with a tall and narrow glass.

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Next, we recommend adding a handful of ice and then pouring over 2 ounces of your preferred whiskey.

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Then, grab a cold bottle of Cascade Ice Coconut and pour until the fizz reaches the rim.

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With this drink, there’s no need to stir because the fizziness of Cascade Ice will mix it all for you! Pretty simple, right? So if you’re looking for your next evening cocktail look no further than Cascade Ice’s Coconut Highball, Cheers!

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