Kickin’ It With Shopping’s My Cardio Writer Becki Singer
by Cascade Ice on April 3, 2014
Happy April! With spring break officially behind us and those warm weather days quickly approaching, one thought comes to mind when we think about living healthy: hydrate! This week we are Kickin’ It with Becki Singer, Editor and aspiring style icon at Shopping’s My Cardio. Read on for some of Becki’s tips on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Why is “Healthy Living” important to you?
I think we’re overrun with unrealistic and unhealthy expectations, especially in the fashion world. The older I get, the more ridiculous it all seems. Rather than focusing on an ideal shape or size, I focus on making choices that will make my body happy, things I know will help it run better. If I stick to that rule, I generally end up being pretty healthy.
Who are your “Healthy Living” role models and why?
Mark Bittman and Melissa Clark are both food writers at the New York Times, and they’re remarkable advocates for eating well in every sense of the word. If you eat whole foods, in season, cooked with care, it’s hard to go wrong.
What is your go-to healthy meal when you are short on time?
I make a lentil dish I absolutely love. Put a pot of French green lentils on to cook (don’t salt the water!), then sauté a bit of kale (I add salt and red chili flakes) in olive oil over high heat until it crisps up. Drain the lentils, add the kale, and stir in red wine vinegar and more olive oil. It’s so substantial and filling, and has such great flavor! It keeps for days in the fridge, so I’ll make a big batch and eat it for lunch all week. For more protein, you can add chicken sausage, or a piece of broiled salmon – it’s incredibly versatile.
Do you have any tips for families who want to make some healthy lifestyle changes?
I think the easiest thing to do is start reading ingredient lists. As soon as you see what’s in some of the processed foods you buy, you’ll naturally start to make better choices. Also, if you have access to one, sign up for a Community Supported Agriculture – you’ll get fresh organic produce every week, only what’s in season. If you’re anything like me, it will force you to eat more veggies because you can’t stand to waste what you get!
Are there any foods that you consider to be off-limits completely?
No. I find that anything I completely ban myself from just becomes an obsession. If you want a cookie, have a cookie. Better to have one now than to spend two days craving it, eating 10 other things in place of it, and then binging on a whole box when you finally cave. Or is that just me? 😉
In addition to eating right, do you have any other tips to share on overall wellness?
Lately, I’ve been trying to look up more. Even taking 10 minutes to step away from my screens (or books or magazines), breathe and take in the world around me makes an incredible difference in my state of mind.
Want to see more of Becki’s tips? Connect with her on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, or on twitter @shoppingscardio.