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Kickin’ It With Katie from Healthy Diva Eats!

by Cascade Ice on March 7, 2013

Cascade Ice is thrilled to share another healthy living interview from our brand new series, Kickin’ It with Cascade Ice! Cascade Ice will be asking remarkable healthy living activists around America to get their best health advice and share with our fans.

We were elated to hear from Katie at Healthy Diva Eats. Her amazing blog shares Diva-approved go-to foods, breakfast and smoothie recipes and workout tips. Katie shared her go-to nutritional meal and simple moderation tips to motivate Cascade Ice fans to uphold a healthy lifestyle. Read to hear more from Katie about a healthy living lifestyle.

Why is “Healthy Living” important to you?

Healthy living is important to me in many ways. Healthy is not just eating right and exercise, it is also being happy, focusing on positive, and self-love! Living a happy and healthy life is essential and life is too short to live it any other way! Just be the healthiest and happiest you can be every single day!

Who are your “Healthy Living” role models and why?

I really don’t have a particular one; there are so many great role models out there though for sure!

What is your go-to healthy meal when you are short on time?

A Luna bar and piece of fruit, or chobani with granola and almond butter!

Do you have any tips for families who want to make some healthy lifestyle changes?

You have to want to make the change and it doesn’t happen overnight, so just remember that!

Are there any foods that you consider to be off-limits completely?

No, I believe in balance and moderation when it comes to the unhealthy foods like ice cream and sweets!

In addition to eating right, do you have any other tips to share on overall wellness?

Love yourself that is the most important thing you can do to accomplish many things in life!


Keep up with Katie on her website www.healthydivalife.com and follow this healthy diva on Twitter for additional advice on fitness & healthy recipes!

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