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Cascade Ice Challenge: Success Stories

by Cascade Ice on February 28, 2013

All three of our Cascade Ice participants have successfully completed the Cascade Ice Challenge! They powered through 30 days without soda to improve their overall health and well-being with the help of our zero-calorie sparkling waters.  Our wonderful participants will receive cases of Cascade Ice and a $100 gift certificate to their closest Cascade Ice retailer.

Jennifer Heeth

What kinds of results did you see from the Challenge?

I noticed that my clothes are a bit looser.  I also don’t crave soda like I used to. Drinking soda also amplified my sweet tooth, and now that my sweet tooth cravings have been reduced, I don’t eat as many sugary items!  A total win-win situation.

How did Cascade Ice help you kick soda to the curb?

Cascade Ice helped me kick soda to the curb because it provided a tasty alternative to soda.  I got the fizz and flavor without the calories or sugar.  Plus, it tastes really good!

Now that you are soda free, what steps will you take to make sure you don’t go back to soda?

I will definitely continue to be a consumer of Cascade Ice.  In fact, my whole family drinks them now!  I am glad that we are all taking a better step towards health.  We hardly have any soda in the house anymore.  Now, when I go out to eat, I will order water or tea instead of soda.  I just don’t crave it anymore.

Ryan Workman

What kinds of results did you see from the Challenge?

I feel more awake and I no longer feel sluggish or have a dry mouth.

How did Cascade Ice help you kick soda to the curb?

Cascade Ice helped me kick soda out of my diet because it is refreshing and smooth with just the right sweetness that leaves me satisfied.  It also looks inviting to be able to see the bottle’s bright colors compared to the dark color from soda.

Now that you are soda free, what steps will you take to make sure you don’t go back to soda?

I’m going to stick to Cascade Ice waters and also keep my fridge clean and clear of all soda products. It was a bad habit and now I’ve picked up a good one in replace it!

Shannon Ramiro

What kinds of results did you see from the Challenge?

I feel lighter and my clothes are fitting better. My head feels clearer and I don’t seem to experience periods of feeling sluggish like I would after drinking soda.

How did Cascade Ice help you kick soda to the curb?

The taste of Cascade Ice along with the carbonation is similar enough to feel like I am satisfying a craving for something to drink besides unflavored water.

What was your biggest take-away from the CI Challenge?

The first couple of weeks were hard. After giving soda up it’s easier to see soda as addicting in a way. Once you have some you want more. Cascade Ice isn’t that way. I can enjoy the flavor but I didn’t find myself feeling like I wanted to go drink more right away. One bottle could last me several hours and often a whole day!


 We wish the very best for our participants and hope they continue to purse a healthier lifestyle!

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