An Update from our Cascade Ice Challenge Participants!
by Cascade Ice on February 5, 2013
We are more than halfway through our first ever Cascade Ice Challenge! Our three amazing participants are working hard to finally kick soda to the curb by drinking Cascade Ice. Read a little bit about their stories below to get inspired to make some changes in your own diet.
Ryan Workman
So, tell us: Have you been able to completely cut soda out of your diet?
I’ve cut soda out of my diet and completely replaced it with Cascade Ice drinks. (Congrats, Ryan!)
How has your energy level been now that you’ve traded out soda?
I’ve been a lot more active and I sleep better because of this switch.
Do you have any tips for our fans on how to tackle the hurdle?
When you go grocery shopping, skip the soda aisle so you don’t get tempted! Also, if there is another family member who still drinks soda and has it in the fridge, just stock more of your Cascade Ice so it is the first thing you see when you open the doors!
Jennifer Heeth
Have you been able to completely cut soda out of your diet?
Yes, I have been able to completely cut out soda from my diet! (Go Jennifer!) Sometimes when I go out to eat, I think about getting a soda and find myself at a soda dispenser. But instead of choosing soda, I have an iced tea instead.
How has your energy level been now that you’ve traded out soda?
My energy level has been pretty good. I feel like I definitely have more energy to get more things done throughout the day. I think soda has an addictive quality to it. When you get used to having it, you want it more often. (So true!)
What has been the biggest hurdle in trying to cut out soda? Do you have any tips for our fans on how to tackle the hurdle?
I think one of the biggest hurdles is trying to stick to a “plan.” It takes time, determination and will power to make cutting out soda a habit. A piece of advice I would give is to just stick to it and don’t over-think it! Before you know it, it will be a habit. Try to find ways that work for you to stay motivated and on the right track.
Shannon Ramiro
So, tell us: Have you been able to completely cut soda out of your diet?
Yes, I have been able to completely cut soda out of my diet! I don’t ever want to go back to drinking soda. (Great to hear, Shannon!)
How has your energy level been now that you’ve traded out soda?
My energy level has felt higher. I feel that I am thinking more clearly too. Also, I read in an article somewhere that drinking soda can lead to teeth sensitivity. I have had issues with pain from sensitive teeth for a long time and over the past month I haven’t noticed any tooth pain that I can recall!
What has been the biggest hurdle in trying to cut out soda? Do you have any tips for our fans on how to tackle the hurdle?
The biggest hurdle has been going out to eat. I stuck to drinking water but when my child would hand me a cup filled with his soda to hold for him it was hard not to take a sip, since I used to do that all the time. The other issue was when my mom, whom I live with, bought soda and brought it home. I would put it away in a cabinet where she knew where it was but tried not to see it when I went to see what food we had in our pantry. It can be tough but it’s worth it!
Our participants are doing great, but they can always use some extra support from our great fans. Go to our Facebook page and show your support! It’s the home stretch people, let’s root them on!