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November is American Diabetes Month

by Cascade Ice on November 4, 2011

The American Diabetes Association has named November American Diabetes Month. In the United States more than 26 million children and adults are living with diabetes and 79 million are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is often overlooked as deadly or serious, but diabetes kills more people each year than breast cancer and AIDS combined.

The ADA estimates that by 2050 1 in every 3 Americans will have diabetes. Diabetes can lead to blindness, severe nerve damage and slowed digestion. The estimated cost of diabetes in America is $174 billion.

What You Can Do:

How You Can Prevent Diabetes:

  • Stay active an exercise – get up and move around for 30 minutes a day (take the dog for a walk, play with the kids, walk around the mall)
  • Follow healthy eating habits – eat leaner meats, eat whole grains and avoid sugary sodas (try opting for a Cascade Ice instead!)

When you’re starting to plan your diabetes prevention track, remember that you can take small steps. You’ll findĀ  more success if you do a little bit at a time and make true, long-term lifestyle changes.

We know this November we’ll be swapping out our sugary sodas for a delicious Cascade Ice 2-calorie, sugar and sodium-free flavor like coconut! What steps have you taken towards a healthier lifestyle this month?



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