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Sensible Snacking

by Cascade Ice on October 19, 2011

Snacking can definitely help you get through the day and ensure you don’t overeat at meals, but finding healthy snacks can be tricky. It’s hard to avoid the sugary treats that line grocery shelves and office vending machines.

Healthy snacking can be easy! Just follow these tips:

  • Make sure what you grab is actually snack size. A snack should be 100 – 200 calories.
  • Try grabbing something that has protein or complex carbohydrates to help you feel full longer.
  • Be sure to get single serving bags so you don’t overeat!
  • Change it up! Don’t snack on the same thing every day.
  • Make sure to grab some water, or a 2-calorie Cascade Ice. It’s better than wasting calories on soda or sports drinks.

For more healthy snacking tips click here.

What is your go-to healthy snack?

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