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What’s in Your Mixer?

by Cascade Ice on February 6, 2011

If you’re like most of us, you tend to eat healthier and stay on track with exercise during the week, but when the weekend rolls around, it is time to get together with friends and enjoy yourself. Most of us enjoy a few drinks on the weekend, but they are surprised to learn just how much added sugar and empty calories alcoholic mixers contain.

In fact, to burn off the calories from one margarita, you would have to run non-stop for about an hour at 6 MPH!

While nutrition labels are required for food and beverage containers, often times you won’t find them on alcoholic drinks. Cascade Ice mixers are a healthier option – with most containing zero calories and no sodium. Our fans even like to enjoy the mixers on their own!

Cascade Ice Mixers come in the following flavors: Club Soda, Tonic Water, Diet Tonic Water, Margarita, Pina Colada, Mojito, Cosmopolitan, Apple Tini and Lemon Drop.

To learn more about Cascade Ice Mixers and find out where to purchase, click here.

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