by Cascade Ice on June 23, 2011
Last week Cascade Ice traveled to Champaign, Illinois to show off our line of Skinny Cocktail Mixers! Cocktails are a great way to beat the heat, but can be filled with empty calories. A single margarita can have more than 500 calories! A Cascade Ice Skinny Margarita has only 10 calories, and if you add tequila, it still only comes out to around 65 calories.
These Skinny Cocktails are a great way to cool off, relax and keep your body bathing suit ready. To watch the full clip click here.
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by Cascade Ice on June 2, 2011
We had such a great time at Good Day LA on Memorial Day showing off our Cascade Ice Skinny Cocktail Mixers! We put our hosts to the test to see if they could tell the difference between our low calorie cocktails and the real thing. Needless to say, it was difficult to tell them apart!
All of our Skinny Cocktails are less than 90 calories when combined with alcohol. Most regular cocktails of the same amount are loaded with sugar and are often more than 500 calories! Cascade Ice Skinny Cocktail Mixers are a healthier alternative to regular cocktails and are delicious poolside treat.
For recipes and availability visit To view the video click here.
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by Cascade Ice on May 3, 2011

May’s issue of Today’s Diet & Nutrition magazine featured alongside popular, new healthy products for summer. Did you know that Cascade Ice 2-calorie water can be used as a summer cocktail mixer for guiltless drinks to enjoy by the pool? Cascade Ice even has a line of skinny cocktail mixers available, all of which are under 10 calories!
To read the Today’s Diet & Nutrition article on Cascade Ice, click here.
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