by Cascade Ice on June 28, 2012
We’re going mad for mangoes! Mango is the perfect flavor to mix in to your summer drink selections—it’s tropical, light and sweet. Try out one of our low-calorie mango creations and you’ll be a mango maniac too!
For a beverage perfect for relaxing in the shade, try a Cascade Ice Peach Mango Paradise. Start by freezing sliced peaches and use these in place of ice to chill your drink instead of ice! Next, add 6oz Cascade Ice Zero-Calorie Peach Mango. Add 1oz of club soda and stir. Garnish with a fresh slice of mango—what else?!
Next up, try a Cascade Ice Mango Mixer. Start with ½ cups of fresh mango and peach slices in a blender. Next, add 6oz Cascade Ice Zero-Calorie Orange Mango. To give the drink a creamy flavor, add a splash of milk. Blend until smooth and serve in a chilled glass. Can’t beat that!
Enjoy, mango lovers!
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by Cascade Ice on June 7, 2012
This warm summer weather is perfect for popsicles. So before you grab a sugary, high-calorie frozen treat, try the Cascade Ice version—all the flavor minus the bad sugar and calories!
Cascade Ice’s Strawberry Pineapple Popsicles are perfect for the kids, parties or just a day of poolside fun! To make a batch, pour Cascade Ice Zero-Calorie Wild Berry and chopped strawberries into a popsicle tray. Be sure to only fill halfway, so you have room to fill the rest with fresh pineapple juice and a few pieces of pineapple. Freeze popsicles overnight and they’ll be ready to enjoy the next day!
For the adults, try Cascade Ice’s Frozen Sangria Bars. Fill popsicle tray 1/3 full with your choice of white wine. Next, fill another 1/3 with Cascade Ice Zero-Calorie Peach Mango. Finish by adding freshly chopped pieces of mango. Want some raspberries in there? Strawberries? Add them in – the more the merrier!
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by Cascade Ice on May 31, 2012
Break out the cap and gown—it’s time for graduation! If you’re hosting or attending a graduation party this month, you’re sure to be ready for a celebration with these yummy recipes featuring Cascade Ice.
What better way to celebrate the new graduate than by popping some champagne? Try mixing it up by making a batch of Strawberry Champagne Sparklers! Pour 8oz Cascade Ice Zero-Calorie Strawberry Lemonade over ice. Fill the rest of the glass with your favorite bubbly and garnish with a fresh strawberry. The perfect drink for a celebratory toast!
A Cascade Ice Tropical Twist is a delicious addition to any party – especially when hosting in the summertime! Begin with 6oz Cascade Ice Zero-Calorie Pineapple Blueberry Banana. Next, add 4oz of fresh pineapple juice and 1½oz of banana flavored vodka. Garnish with fruit and enjoy!
Congrats, grads!
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