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St. Patty’s Lucky 17 Contest Winners!

by Cascade Ice on March 18, 2011

We are sad the St. Patty’s Lucky 17 Contest is over but we are excited to announce our winners! Thank you to everybody that participated, shared with friends and gave us your feedback. We will be running several future contests so please be sure to stay tuned to our Facebook page for giveaways, health tips and more! And now for the winners…drum roll please…

  • Pam NaborsLucky 17 Contest Winners
  • Billie Church
  • Tony Miller
  • Andrea Workman
  • Melissa Norton
  • Lisa Woods
  • Dennis Kauffunger
  • Theresa Fichtner
  • Peggy Hill
  • Rachel Pirela
  • Heather Reznick
  • Pamela Frady
  • Melody Alexis
  • Carol Gillespie
  • Gregory Krieg
  • Chris Noe

We will be contacting all of you via email so we can send you your prize!