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Kid-Friendly After School Drink Recipes

by Cascade Ice on July 26, 2012

Back to school season is upon us, and Cascade Ice is the perfect after-school refresher. Try mixing up some of these yummy drinks for your little ones! They’re much healthier than soda and high-sugar juices and come in a variety of crowd-pleasing flavors.

Cascade Ice Apple Fizzies are delicious and fun! To make, pour 6oz Cascade Ice Zero-Calorie McIntosh Apple over ice. Add in sliced Red Delicious apples and sprinkle in some cinnamon. For the perfect after-school combo, serve the extra apple slices with a tablespoon of peanut butter!

A Back-to-school Berry Blast is a great treat to come home to! To create one, mix 3/4 cup Greek yogurt, 1/2 cup soy or almond milk, a handful of fresh berries and 4 oz Cascade Ice Zero-Calorie Raspberry Black Currant. Blend until smooth and top with fresh berries. Yum!

Cool off with Cascade Ice Cubes!

by Cascade Ice on July 12, 2012

It’s important to stay hydrated in the hot summer weather, so make sure to drink lots of H2O! About 8-9 cups of water every day is ideal. Water is great by itself, but can be quite boring without any flavor. Try adding a burst of flavor to your next glass with Cascade Ice Cubes!

Cascade Ice Cubes are fun and easy to make. All you need is an ice cube tray and some of your favorite Cascade Ice flavors. You can even try adding fresh fruit—you can eat it when you finish your water! For a sweet combination, try freezing Cascade Ice Zero-Calorie Huckleberry Blackberry with blackberries. For something on the citrus side, try Cascade Ice Zero-Calorie Lemonade or Cascade Ice Zero-Calorie Peach Mango with fresh peaches or lemons.

Not only does it make the water taste a yummier, but it looks pretty cool too. Enjoy!

Cascade Ice Popsicles for Hot Summer Days!

by Cascade Ice on June 7, 2012

This warm summer weather is perfect for popsicles. So before you grab a sugary, high-calorie frozen treat, try the Cascade Ice version—all the flavor minus the bad sugar and calories!

Cascade Ice’s Strawberry Pineapple Popsicles are perfect for the kids, parties or just a day of poolside fun! To make a batch, pour Cascade Ice Zero-Calorie Wild Berry and chopped strawberries into a popsicle tray. Be sure to only fill halfway, so you have room to fill the rest with fresh pineapple juice and a few pieces of pineapple. Freeze popsicles overnight and they’ll be ready to enjoy the next day!

For the adults, try Cascade Ice’s Frozen Sangria Bars. Fill popsicle tray 1/3 full with your choice of white wine. Next, fill another 1/3 with Cascade Ice Zero-Calorie Peach Mango. Finish by adding freshly chopped pieces of mango. Want some raspberries in there? Strawberries? Add them in – the more the merrier!
