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Rebecca’s Healthy Living Journey – Dieting is a Bad Word

by Cascade Ice on May 11, 2011

The Flavorful Life is featuring several “healthy living journey” stories from Cascade Ice fans around the country, where guest bloggers tell us their thoughts on how they face challenges and come up with new ideas to pursue better health and fitness lifestyles. The following is the latest update from Rebecca Warren of Ohio.

I don’t know about you, but the word “dieting” should be up there with those bad words that you were taught never to use growing up as a child. It’s a horrible word and makes me break out into a cold sweat just thinking about it! However, because it is life and something that I personally need to do, I do it. I’m not the girl who can eat whatever I want without gaining a pound. Sure, I can eat whatever I want, but I can assure you that I will gain a pound and then some more, and some more, and some more!

 I’ve been a member of Weight Watchers for years. It has helped in many ways, but I will tell you the most helpful part of the weekly meetings isn’t being held accountable to the required weigh-in, but the helpful suggestions and ideas from the other members. The meeting that I attend has a new leader, and she has incorporated a portion of the meeting where we can bring products to share with the other members. Typically, the products are a low-point food or drink. It’s amazing how much food is out there in the grocery store that you frequent but you just don’t notice!

Sometimes, there is a hidden gem that no one knows about, such as my love for Cascade Ice. This was my show-and-tell item recently, and the soda drinkers were thrilled to hear about it! It’s the bubble in the drink that wins over your heart! Okay, okay – it’s the bubble, the taste and lack of calories all combined. It’s everything about it!

Since my New Years Resolution was to drink more water, Cascade Ice has helped me stay true to going in the right direction. I am a true addict of a particular diet soda and there is no denying it. Though I still love it, and I still drink it daily, I’ve been able to add some more variety into my day by drinking Cascade Ice during the day and in the evening.

Wanna know a secret? I may or may not have added a hint of extra flavored fun to a particular Mixed Berry 2-calorie drink over a weekend, and found that it is wonderful special occasion drink! Cheers to you!

We Break Down the Anti-Diabetes Diet in 5 Easy Steps

by Cascade Ice on February 14, 2011

In the past several years, there has been a significant rise in the number of Americans diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. So it’s no wonder that nutrition “gurus” and dietitians are capitalizing on the trend with books that claim to cure adult-onset diabetes with just a few adjustments to your lifestyle and eating habits. Could it really be that easy?

While the triggers of diabetes are not known with complete certainty, both genetics and environmental factors (like obesity and lack of exercise) have been proven to play roles. We researched and gathered 5 important tips to remember for those at risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

  • First things first – most experts agree that an anti-inflammatory diet can help promote healthy blood sugar levels. Try eating small, frequent meals to keep blood sugars in a safe range. Eating large, filling meals less often can flood the bloodstream with excess glucose and insulin
  • Keep added sugars to a minimum, choosing to skip the sugar in your daily cup of coffee, and trying sugar substitutes like sucralose instead.
  • Incorporate lots of non-starchy vegetables, like broccoli, squash, eggplant, beans and spinach.
  • Aim for 30 minutes of activity per day. Any type of aerobic activity including hiking, walking or cycling improves insulin resistance in muscle cells.
  • Research has shown that nutritional supplements may also be helpful for people at risk or living with diabetes. Magnesium, fish oil and omega-3 fatty acid, and flaxseed oil have all been proven to offset inflammation.

In addition to the tips provided above, if you are at risk of type 2 diabetes, work with your doctor or nutritionist to help make sure you’re following a diet and exercise plan that’s personalized and the right fit for you.