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A Quick and Easy Guide to Healthy Meal Prep

by Cascade Ice on February 3, 2021

One of the most common pitfalls in creating and maintaining a healthy diet is not being prepared. When we’re prepared with healthy food options, we’re more likely to make better, more nutritious choices and stick to our game plan. However, when we’re simply left to “wing it”, it’s easy to go with what’s convenient – bagged snacks and fast food. Instead of falling off track with your healthy goals, simply take the time to establish a weekly meal prep routine. How? Here are some quick and easy tips on how to be successful at healthy meal planning.

Plan Ahead

This is the most important part of meal prepping. But you don’t have to overthink it. Think about what dishes you feel like eating in the week ahead and ask yourself what sounds good. And, if your ideal meal is less than healthy, the Internet has a ton of ideas for ingredient swaps to make a meal better for you. Loved a meal you made? Make sure to write notes on what you loved and didn’t love so you can adapt your menu in the weeks to come. 

Make a Grocery List

With a healthy eating plan, you’ll definitely be consuming lots of fruits, veggies and lean proteins. Plan a weekly grocery trip with your list in hand and try not to deviate from what you came there for. By hitting the store weekly, you’ll be getting fresh ingredients each week, and you can better stick to your plan.

Buy Convenient, Portable Containers

The best meal prep containers are glass and have separate compartments for each menu item. Plastic works as well. Make sure that the containers are easy to take with you on the road, so that you can eat on the go if needed. Simply search “meal prep containers”, and you’ll be amazed at how many options are available. 

Practice Portion Control

Another reason why meal prepping can truly help people maintain and lose weight is because it helps you practice portion control without really realizing it! It’s also where the right meal prep containers can play a big part. Try to have a portion of lean protein, vegetables, and healthy carbohydrates in each of your meals. If you have food allergies, you can search terms like “dairy free healthy recipes” or “gluten free healthy recipes” to get some inspiration. 

Don’t Forget to Hydrate!

An often overlooked part of a healthy diet, but one of the most important…make sure you are well-hydrated! And thirst can often be mistaken for hunger. Not to mention, there are recent studies that suggest that people who drink water before meals eat an average of 75 fewer calories at each meal. Is regular water too boring? Reach for a Cascade Ice Sparkling Water to spark things up!

Do you meal prep? Tell us in the comments below or share a photo! Remember to “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram