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Kickin’ It With Karen Reinsch of Our Crazy Blessed Life

by Cascade Ice on November 21, 2013

We spoke with Karen Reinsch in today’s “Kickin’ It With Cascade Ice.” Karen is a mom, wife, teacher and food explorer who shares her recipes and experiences on her blog, Our Crazy Blessed Life. Read her healthy living tips below!

Our Crazy Blessed Life

Why is “Healthy Living” important to you?

Healthy living has always been a struggle for me, but as I get older I want to set a good example for my kids. They need to see healthy living as exciting and fun.

Who are your “Healthy Living” role models and why?

My neighbor and friend Amy Roth (author of the kids book “Captain Kale and the Super Foods”) is passionate about kids eating healthy and has been an inspiration to me in the kitchen!

What is your go-to healthy meal when you are short on time?

I am in the process of finding more healthy go-to meals for my family, but one of our favorites is apples with almond butter, grilled chicken and a side of steamed vegetables.

Do you have any tips for families who want to make some healthy lifestyle changes?

Just do it! Make a menu and stick with it. Find some fun activities and go together as a family!

Are there any foods that you consider to be off-limits completely?

No, but I know that there are certain foods I shouldn’t buy because they won’t last more than a few hours in our house!

In addition to eating right, do you have any other tips to share on overall wellness?

I ran the Nashville half marathon last year. Consistency was key! The weeks I was inconsistent made running harder. Find something you love a jump in with both feet!

What is your favorite Cascade Ice flavor and why?

I love the coconut! It makes me feel like there is a little summer in the midst of the oncoming winter.

Stay up-to-date with Karen by following her on twitter and subscribing to her blog.


Kickin’ It With Cascade Ice: The Healthy Hostess Ali Hively

by Cascade Ice on October 24, 2013

This week, Cascade Ice is “Kickin’ It” with The Healthy Hostess, Ali Hively. Ali is a certified personal trainer, certified nutrition and wellness consultant, personal chef and healthy living blogger. See Ali’s healthy living tips below.

Why is “Healthy Living” important to you?

Healthy living is important for so many reasons! Some of the most important reasons are to feel good, to be a good role model for my children and others, and to live life to the fullest.

Who are your “Healthy Living” role models and why?

My peers in the blogging and fitness industry are some of my biggest role models. My husband and family are also healthy living role models.

What is your go-to healthy meal when you are short on time?

When  I am short on time, I always make a big salad with anything from the fridge. I start with a big plate of greens and add anything I am in the mood for. Sometimes I top salads with leftovers, fruit, beans, nuts and any veggies I have on hand!

Do you have any tips for families who want to make some healthy lifestyle changes?

Eat fresh and get moving! When you shop the outer edges of the grocery store, you are able to fill your cart with fresh produce, meats and low-fat dairy. These are the best foods to get you on track for healthy living. The fewer ingredients in a single food, the better it is for you. Also, make sure you are active everyday. Whether it’s a family soccer game after dinner, an early morning jog or even a swim at the pool, make sure the whole family is moving!

Are there any foods that you consider to be off-limits completely?

I don’t consider any foods to be totally off limits. Everything in moderation – as long as you are realistic about it. For me, I no longer choose to eat fried foods because I have not had them in so long and now they just don’t feel good to eat. But if there is a special dessert, count me in!

In addition to eating right, do you have any other tips to share on overall wellness?

I think the key to overall wellness is finding a good balance of everything.

  • Rest is important. Getting enough sleep gives you the energy you need to be active, prepare healthy meals and take care of yourself and your family.
  • Create good, lasting habits. Good habits are better than trying fad diets because you are less likely to break a promise to yourself!
  • Exercise 5 days a week for your whole life – not just for a certain time period. Exercise is one of the best ways to manage stress and can keep you sane, as well as in shape!
  • Surround yourself with fit and healthy people. These type of people like to do active things and are often happier people in general.
  • Spend time outdoors – it can give you a new outlook on life. Whether you are taking a bike ride or weeding the garden, make a point to get some fresh air!

Follow The Healthy Hostess on Twitter and Facebook to stay up-to-date on healthy family-friendly recipes, entertaining and party plans, as well as tips about fitness and life as a busy mom.

Kickin’ It With Lifestyle Blogger Courtney Solstad

by Cascade Ice on August 22, 2013

We are “Kickin’ It” with lifestyle blogger Courtney Solstad this week. Courtney’s My Crazy Savings blog shares tips on how to save money and find the best deal on products. Keep reading to hear what Courtney has to say about healthy living!

Why is “Healthy Living” important to you?

I want to make memories and I want to live to see my babies have babies. Staying healthy and fit gives me the opportunity to make these memories!

Who are your “Healthy Living” role models and why?

Fitness trainer Chris Powell is my healthy living role model. I love how he teaches and empowers people to eat right and exercise… no pills, shakes, etc!

What is your go-to healthy meal when you are short on time?

My go-to easy meal is a spinach and egg omelet. I top it with Ms. Dash Chipotle seasoning… YUMMY!

Do you have any tips for families who want to make some healthy lifestyle changes?

Stop eating out! Even if you order a salad, it’s loaded with hidden fats and tons of sodium. I also believe less is more. The fewer ingredients you use, the better. Raw veggies are more healthy than cooked vegetables! And, stop using boxed items because fresh is best!

Are there any foods that you consider to be off-limits completely?

No, I think you can enjoy anything in moderation!

In addition to eating right, do you have any other tips to share on overall wellness?

Your calorie burn has to exceed your caloric intake to lose weight. So get active. Challenge yourself to push a little harder each time you exercise. Exercise a certain muscle group every week and be consistent with your exercise. Take time for YOU, you deserve it!

What is your favorite Cascade Ice flavor and why?

Organic Mixed Berry Cascade Ice is my favorite! It has a light berry flavor that adds interest to drinking water. And it’s calorie-free!

Learn more about Courtney and My Crazy Savings by visiting her website, following her on twitter or liking her on Facebook.