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Thanksgiving Turkey: The Health Facts

by Cascade Ice on November 21, 2011

This Thursday many of us will be chowing down with friends and family, and of course most people choose turkey as their meat of choice on Thanksgiving. With the holiday season approaching, turkey will appear again and again on your plate through the end of December, which begs the question: how healthy is turkey?

Turkey actually is good for your body as long as you don’t overeat (like all good things, moderation is key). Cooking your bird with the skin on it helps seal in moisture and keep out fat, just remember to peel the skin off before you eat it! Turkey is also a great source of folic acid, zinc, vitamin B and potassium!

If you are looking for a turkey alternative while trying to stay healthy, give Tofurky a try! Four ounces of Tofurkey has only 190 calories, 5 grams of fat and is loaded with 26 grams of protein!

As always remember to stay hydrated during the holiday season! When sitting down with your turkey, be sure to grab a Cascade Ice Ultra Pure Water or one of our tasty 2-calorie waters like Pomegranate Berry for a healthy holiday drink!


Breast Cancer Awareness Month

by Cascade Ice on October 18, 2011

In honor of  Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we have decided to arm you with the best tips for lowering your cancer risk.

  • Avoid smoking and other smokers. Sometimes it’s unavoidable, but the less time you spend around cigarettes the less likely you are to develop lung cancer.
  • Limit your alcohol intake. One too many can leave you prone to breast and colon cancer.
  • Move for 30 minutes a day. This can really help keep you heart healthy and lower your cancer risk.
  • Wear sunscreen everyday, no matter the season. Even during fall and winter you can be susceptible to skin cancer, so layer on that SPF!
  • Be sure to drink lots of water! You can always grab a Cascade Ice Ultra Pure Water to keep you healthy and hydrated.

You can find more tips for lowering your cancer risk at Self.com.

What are you doing in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month? We know we’re sipping on one of our pinkest drinks, Blueberry Watermelon!

Heart Walk Dallas

by Cascade Ice on September 15, 2011

Cascade Ice joined Young at Heart Dallas for the American Heart Association Heart Walk last Saturday.We were able to give walkers an opportunity to cool off and hydrate in the Texas heat!

Heart disease and stroke are top killers in the United States, and the Heart Walk helps raise funds and awareness for prevention. Through healthy living habits, and exercising  for as little as 30 minutes a day, you can greatly reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke!

Cascade Ice is dedicated to promoting a healthy lifestyle. Our flavored waters have no sodium or sugar and are a heart healthier alternative to sodas and sports drinks.

Interested in how you can be more involved? Click here.

What small steps have you taken toward a healthier lifestyle?

Rebecca’s Healthy Living Journey – Dieting is a Bad Word

by Cascade Ice on May 11, 2011

The Flavorful Life is featuring several “healthy living journey” stories from Cascade Ice fans around the country, where guest bloggers tell us their thoughts on how they face challenges and come up with new ideas to pursue better health and fitness lifestyles. The following is the latest update from Rebecca Warren of Ohio.

I don’t know about you, but the word “dieting” should be up there with those bad words that you were taught never to use growing up as a child. It’s a horrible word and makes me break out into a cold sweat just thinking about it! However, because it is life and something that I personally need to do, I do it. I’m not the girl who can eat whatever I want without gaining a pound. Sure, I can eat whatever I want, but I can assure you that I will gain a pound and then some more, and some more, and some more!

 I’ve been a member of Weight Watchers for years. It has helped in many ways, but I will tell you the most helpful part of the weekly meetings isn’t being held accountable to the required weigh-in, but the helpful suggestions and ideas from the other members. The meeting that I attend has a new leader, and she has incorporated a portion of the meeting where we can bring products to share with the other members. Typically, the products are a low-point food or drink. It’s amazing how much food is out there in the grocery store that you frequent but you just don’t notice!

Sometimes, there is a hidden gem that no one knows about, such as my love for Cascade Ice. This was my show-and-tell item recently, and the soda drinkers were thrilled to hear about it! It’s the bubble in the drink that wins over your heart! Okay, okay – it’s the bubble, the taste and lack of calories all combined. It’s everything about it!

Since my New Years Resolution was to drink more water, Cascade Ice has helped me stay true to going in the right direction. I am a true addict of a particular diet soda and there is no denying it. Though I still love it, and I still drink it daily, I’ve been able to add some more variety into my day by drinking Cascade Ice during the day and in the evening.

Wanna know a secret? I may or may not have added a hint of extra flavored fun to a particular Mixed Berry 2-calorie drink over a weekend, and found that it is wonderful special occasion drink! Cheers to you!