by Cascade Ice on November 13, 2020

Working out and eating healthy are the fundamentals of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and managing your weight, and everyone seems to understand that these are necessary to stay healthy. However, one often overlooked aspect of health is flexibility, which is maintained through daily stretching.
Most people think that they don’t have time to carve out in their day for stretching, or that it’s simply not important. But research has shown that stretching can help improve flexibility, as well as your overall range of motion. This can have a significant impact on your ability to stay active long term. And, it can take as little as 5 minutes a day. Here are the most important elements of a a daily stretching routine:
Before vs. After Exercise
It’s most important to do a dynamic warm up before physical activity. This could include body weight squats, walking lunges, and even pushups. You don’t want to hold stretches for a long period of time before your body is warmed up. After your workout is complete, try some side bends, shoulder stretches and hamstring stretches and hold each of them for at least 30 seconds each. This will help move the lactic acid through your muscles and increase your range of motion.
Hit the Big Muscles
When it comes to a daily stretching routine, make sure you’re focusing on the major muscle groups, like the glutes, thighs, hips, back, and shoulders. Make sure you’re also stretching both sides equally to maintain symmetry and steer clear of injury from overuse of one side.
Know when to use caution
Sometimes our muscles can get sore from overuse, or worse – we can get stress fractures. If you have a chronic condition or an injury, adjust your stretching routine to focus on other muscles so as not to aggravate sore or torn muscles. The goal is to establish and maintain a routine that will help you stay in the exercise game for the long haul. Discuss your stretching routine with your medical provider if you have any concerns.
Keep it up!
Stretching doesn’t have to be difficult to fit into your daily routine. What’s more important is not how long you stretch, it’s the regularity at which you perform the stretches. So, aim for 5-6 days each week, especially if you’re exercising regularly. If you skip your stretching routine, you may miss key benefits and your flexibility may decrease, making it harder to start again.
One lesser-known tip to help with your body’s flexibility? Water! Increased water intake has been shown to contribute to overall mobility and body relaxation. If you get bored with regular water, try Cascade Ice Sparkling Water and our different product lines with zero sugar, calories or gluten. Trust us, you’ll never get bored with all the flavor combinations we offer!
What’s your favorite way to stretch? Tell us in the comments below or share a photo! Remember to “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
by Cascade Ice on October 2, 2020

Are you a self-described soda addict? Or perhaps you have a daily soda (or two) and don’t really know exactly what you’re consuming. We get it – that rush of sugar and caffeine can really help push you through a day where you feel like you’re dragging. But studies have shown that the long-term effects of soda consumption can lead to things like heart disease, diabetes and obesity.
Many Cascade Ice fans have made the leap and nixed soda from their diet with the help of our sparkling waters. We have several different product lines with many different flavors to choose from, with zero sugar or calories. Twist the cap or pop the can open to reveal fizzy, fruity flavor that will never leave you bored. We promise you won’t miss soda one bit!
Want more proof that it’s time to kick sodas to the curb? Check out our scorecard compared to an average soda:
Typical soda
240 calories
75 mg of sodium
65 grams of sugar
57 mg of caffeine
Cascade Ice USDA Organic Sparkling Water
0 calories
0 sodium
0 sugar
0 caffeine
Still want the caffeine? Our Cascade Ice Organic Caffeinated line is for you! Clean caffeine with crisp flavor, and just the right amount of caffeine to keep you going.
Have you kicked your soda habit using Cascade Ice as an alternative? Tell us in the comments below, or share a photo! Remember to “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
by Cascade Ice on September 25, 2020

Do you usually crash after your morning coffee and bagel? Do you head for the vending machine to help you get through the afternoon slump? You may need some help managing your sugar intake. Whether we realize it or not, most Americans consume around 70 grams of sugar each day, and the daily recommended limit is 25 grams for women and 38 grams of sugar for men. And unfortunately, it can be a slippery slope – when you consume more sugar in your diet, you end up craving more.
There are many reasons why sugar is so addicting. It can release the “feel good” brain chemical, serotonin. It can also release endorphins, which makes us feel calm and happy. Too much sugar in our diet can lead to issues like heart disease and diabetes. So how can you stop the sugar cravings for good? Here are some easy to implement tips that you can refer to each day, making small changes that add up to a healthier lifestyle overall.
Make a plan
Whenever you’re trying to make changes to your lifestyle, it’s always enlightening to sit down and write everything out. Chronicle your food and activities for a week, taking special care in identifying where you can make small changes. Then, make a plan. Set attainable goals for yourself and celebrate when you’ve achieved them! A lousy diet often results from a lack of planning and reaching for less healthy choices out of convenience. After all, we live fast-paced lives. So slow down, plan, and celebrate your progress.
Get moving
Especially during a pandemic, it’s easy to stay inside and brush off plans to get out and exercise. But now more than ever, it’s important to get your body moving, your blood flowing, and boosting your energy levels. Does this have to be 6 miles of running every day? Absolutely not! Start with a daily neighborhood walk, or taking a flight of stairs instead of the elevator, or even a virtual yoga class. It really doesn’t matter how decide to move your body, just move it! Studies have shown that mild exercise can trigger metabolic processes that make more blood sugar available to the brain, which reduces cravings for sugary, processed foods.
Tackle cravings with fresh fruit
Sugar cravings are unavoidable, especially when you’ve just started your journey to a low-sugar lifestyle. Keep lots of fresh fruit handy for when sugar cravings hit. Unlike processed sugar, with fruit you also get fiber, nutrients, and refreshing, sweet taste. Like we mentioned above, having these things ready at all times make it easy to make better choices.
Stay hydrated
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again … staying hydrated is one of the most important things you can do to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Staying optimally hydrated in particular can help you manage sugar cravings too. Replace sodas and juices with water or an organic sparkling water to help reduce your added sugar and overall calorie intake each day. Check out what Cascade Ice Sparkling Water has to offer!
Indulge occasionally
We know, it sounds counterintuitive. But making huge, sweeping changes can sometimes backfire if you don’t give yourself a little “wiggle room.” So, our advice is to give in a little when it comes to your sugar cravings. Allow yourself a small amount of what you’re craving, whether it’s a small cookie or some soft serve. Enjoying a little of what you crave can help you avoid binging and failing altogether. So give yourself some love and allow yourself some small treats every so often! You’ll be surprised at how it helps you stay the course.
How do you curb your sugar cravings? Tell us in the comments below, or share a photo! Remember to “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
by Cascade Ice on August 21, 2020

The current world we live in can often feel overwhelming. We’re inundated with news and new information, and many are juggling difficult career situations or working from home along with caring for family. But what about taking good care of your own health and well-being? With so many things going on during the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s easy to forget that we need to set aside time to make sure we’re managing our lives in the healthiest ways possible. This includes daily self-care.
Self-care can look differently to different people. Perhaps it’s getting out for a nice long walk around the neighborhood, or maybe it’s cooking up some comfort food. Whatever you choose to do each day, make sure that it helps to keep your mind and body healthy – even if that means turning off the news! Here are just a few tips that you can use to take care of yourself during uncertain times like these.
Eat healthy foods and maintain a well-balanced diet as best you can. Make sure to include in-season vegetables and fruits, lean meats and grains, and take a multivitamin to fill in any gaps in your diet.
Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and keep your brain functioning optimally. If you feel fatigued, it’s likely due to dehydration, so make sure to drink at least half of your body weight in ounces (even more if you work out)
Give yourself little “treats” to make life fun. Staying at home can be monotonous, so it’s fun to incorporate spontaneous things like a family dance party or a fun, new cocktail recipe!
Get some form of exercise everyday. This may sound daunting, but climbing a flight of stairs or taking your dog for a walk is considered exercise. Getting your blood flowing has amazing benefits for your mental health, too.
Practice deep breathing. Take a few minutes each day (it’s best to do this first thing in the morning to set the tone for your day) to close your eyes and take several slow, deep breaths and focus on something. It will help clear your mind and put you in a happier mood instantly!
Utilize technology to maintain connections with friends and family that may not be nearby. While the state of the world has prevented us from socializing like we used to do, social media and video calls provide an amazing way to stay connected to others.
Practice graciousness. While times are tough, we could all acknowledge that we have things to be grateful for. The biggest one? Our health! Consider writing 3 things you’re grateful for each day in a gratitude journal and reminding yourself of those things throughout your day. It will put you in a positive mindset for the entire day.
Help others in need. While this may not seem like traditional self-care, many people report feelings of happiness when they reach out and help others. Check on older people in your community, or donate money or supplies to local organizations in need.
What are some ways that you have practiced self-care? Tell us in the comments below, or share a photo! Remember to “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.