by Cascade Ice on October 3, 2011
WTOL 11 “Your Day” in Toledo, Ohio filmed a segment featuring Cascade Ice Skinny Cocktail Mixers and 2-Calorie Sparkling Waters this week! The host tasted both and she loved them. The segment discussed the benefits of drinking Cascade Ice compared to other beverages– fitness buff Mario Lopez as a big fan! Click here to watch the clip.

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by Cascade Ice on September 29, 2011
Cascade Ice was recently featured as the “Item of the Day” on HelloGiggles is a blog co-founded by actress and singer Zooey Deschanel. The blog’s readership has skyrocketed to a monthly readership of 3.8 million since its inception in April 2011!
The review was very positive and did a great job of capturing the essence of Cascade Ice for their readers. She also mentioned the availability of cocktail mixers and that the product is an excellent alternative to soda. A great article, indeed!
Click here to read the review!

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by Cascade Ice on September 15, 2011
Cascade Ice joined Young at Heart Dallas for the American Heart Association Heart Walk last Saturday.We were able to give walkers an opportunity to cool off and hydrate in the Texas heat!
Heart disease and stroke are top killers in the United States, and the Heart Walk helps raise funds and awareness for prevention. Through healthy living habits, and exercising for as little as 30 minutes a day, you can greatly reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke!
Cascade Ice is dedicated to promoting a healthy lifestyle. Our flavored waters have no sodium or sugar and are a heart healthier alternative to sodas and sports drinks.
Interested in how you can be more involved? Click here.
What small steps have you taken toward a healthier lifestyle?
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by Cascade Ice on September 2, 2011
Cascade Ice recently filmed a segment on Good Day L.A! The show hosted a skinny cocktail taste test with the hosts and talked about the benefits of drinking Cascade Ice mixers. The segment also included side-by-side comparisons of Cascade Ice skinny cocktails and regular, full-calorie cocktails. The hosts had a lot of fun, enjoyed the flavors, and even requested more product after the taping! Click here to watch the clip.

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