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Stay Healthy During Summer Travels

by Cascade Ice on June 20, 2011

It’s summertime, and that means summer vacations are at the top of everyone’s minds. There is nothing more satisfying than spending a few days away from home and simply relaxing. With these summer travels, staying healthy can be really difficult because it is the last thing we are thinking about. We have some great tips for staying healthy while you are on summer vacation.

If you are headed to the airport, make sure to be aware of your surroundings. Airplanes are confined spaces that have the potential to foster germs. Make sure to bring your own pillow and blanket and plenty of hand sanitizer. Airports are also filled with fast food chains, so try to eat at home beforehand. You’ll save money and empty calories.

Make sure to pack appropriately for the climate. If you are going somewhere sunny, be sure to stock up on sunscreen, and make sure to replace your bottle if it is older than a year! Always pack a sweater and umbrella, you never know when the weather can change.

It’s easy to get caught up on vaction. You are enjoying all the wonderful places to see and all the things to do. Make sure you are staying hydrated, especially if you are spending a lot of time outdoors. Staying hydrated will help you steer clear of headaches and a general sluggish feeling while you are having fun.

Eating out on vaction is almost inevitable, but you can still make it healthy. Try to have a serving of fruit or vegetables with every meal to balance out any unhealthy treats. Get some Vitamin C while you are away from home, your immune system will thank you!

Staying healthy during vacation can help you fully enjoy your vacation and will help ensure you being well rested when you arrrive home.

How do you stay healthy on vacation? Please share tips with us below!

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