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How to Be Healthy and Active While Working From Home

by Cascade Ice on March 31, 2021

When you work from home, you likely don’t realize how much time you spend sitting. But it’s simple and easy to counteract the negative effects of sitting too long by simply making a few, key changes to your daily lifestyle. If you’re interested in ways to stay more active during your stay-at-home workday, read on for a few key tips.

Stand up

When you sit most of the day while working on your computer, you lose much of the opportunity for your body to burn calories. A stand-up desk can be a game-changer in helping your body stay healthy, increasing your leg strength and endurance while you do it. But if a stand-up desk is simply not a practical option for you, instead, build 5-minute breaks into your day every 1-2 hours for some type of physical activity (think walking the dog, yoga, or meditation). Standing can burn as much as 50 percent more calories than sitting, so give it a try!

Cook at home

As the pandemic starts winding down and more businesses begin opening up, it’s so tempting to frequent restaurants again, and even grab takeout or fast food when it’s more convenient. But cooking at home will not only save you money in the long run – it will also help you stay healthier. Did you know that preparing and cooking your food at home can even burn calories? The best way to control what you eat is to skip the restaurants and plan your meals in advance, using nutritious ingredients made with whole foods. You can also meal prep for the week so you’re prepared to make healthy food choices. Do you get bored of cooking at home? Give yourself little “treats” every so often so that you don’t deprive yourself, and you have something to look forward to during long work days. Cascade Ice Sparkling Water is an awesome choice to treat yourself, with zero calories and no sugar!

Make Screen Time Exercise Time

We all love a good TV series or a scroll on social media. But how can you turn the inevitable daily screen time into something more productive? Try incorporating some small ways to get your heart pumping like jumping jacks, burpees or pushups during commercial breaks. Or, for every 20 minutes on social media, step outside and get some fresh air and sunshine. Build these daily habits into your routine, and it won’t even seem like a chore! 

What do you do to keep active and stay healthy while working from home? Tell us in the comments below or share a photo! Remember to “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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