3 Simple Tips to Help You Drink More Water Everyday
by Cascade Ice on November 4, 2019

We all know that we should be getting adequate hydration each day. After all, it helps with everything from digestion to regulating your mood and brain function. But sometimes our busy lives prevent us from keeping up with healthy habits. Here are some easy hacks to help you stay hydrated 24/7:
Sync hydration patterns to your daily routine
If you’re like most people, you have trouble remembering to drink enough water throughout the day. Any easy way to fix that is to develop a habit of drinking when you go from one activity to the next. For example, before you leave your car to go into the office each morning, finish your water bottle. Or, don’t leave for lunch without taking some sips at your desk. After a while, you won’t even think about it!
Sip, don’t chug
Gulping down a big bottle of water in one sitting definitely helps you meet your daily hydration goals faster, but it may cause bloat and upset stomach. Instead, take small sips all day long – it may actually help you absorb the water better and keep you from that “sloshy stomach” feeling.
Make it fun!
Let’s face it, water can get boring. So liven it up a bit by adding lemon, lime or cucumber slices, or even orange wedges. Muddling the fruit brings out the flavor even more. Flavored sparkling water like Cascade Ice is also a great option for changing things up by adding a bubbly kick of flavor to your daily water intake. There are several different product lines and flavors, so check out our website for more information.
What are some tips and tricks you follow to meet your daily water intake goals? Tell us in the comments below and “like” and “follow” us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.