Meet Our Cascade Ice Challenge Participants!
by Cascade Ice on January 17, 2013
The Cascade Ice Challenge is off to a great start! We are challenging three people to cut out soda from their diet, and replace it with a bottle of tasty, zero-calorie Cascade Ice. Want to meet our participants? They were all eager to start the New Year with a bang by committing themselves to kicking soda to the curb. Get to know them a little bit so you can root them on to conquer the challenge!
Jennifer Heeth
I would like to participate in the Cascade Ice Challenge because I know it is taking a step towards better health. I am getting married next August, and want to look great for my wedding. I think Cascade Ice is a valuable tool to help me in that challenge!
Why is cutting soda out of your diet important to you?
I think that every step you can take, no matter how big or small, to improve your diet will allow you to reap health benefits long-term. Even if you don’t notice an immediate difference, you are making a deposit into a savings account for your health.
How do you feel at the end of the day with your current diet and level of physical activity?
I feel pretty good about my current level of physical activity because I am at the very least staying consistent with lifting weights for an hour twice a week and an hour of stretching 1-2 times a week. I do think that my diet has room for improvement because I love my steak and potatoes!
What do you hope to achieve by participating in the Cascade Ice Challenge?
I hope to be able to use this as a tool to put me on the right track for looking good, and above all, better health. I especially wanted to participate because my wedding is coming up in the summer, and who doesn’t want to look good for their wedding? I am actually having two weddings, one here in the U.S. and one in China. My fiancé is originally from there. By having two weddings, we are honoring both of our cultures and both sides of the family. I definitely want to look good for that!
Ryan Workman
I want to take part in the Cascade Ice Challenge because I’m having a hard time “quitting” soda. I love the carbonation and overall taste!
What are your current eating and drinking habits? What percentage of your eating would be considered “healthy?”
I try to eat three meals a day. However, sometimes I just skip breakfast and do lunch and dinner. Lunch sandwiches or leftovers, dinner I have the vegetables and red meat or chicken or pastas. I consume about 3 sodas a day and 2 late at night.
What do you hope to achieve by participating in the Cascade Ice Challenge?
I hope to cut out soda completely, and to lose weight because of it. I’d like to further develop my wellness with Cascade Ice Water, that has that great flavor and carbonation I’m looking for.
In addition to cutting out soda during the Challenge, do you have plans to partake in a healthy diet?
I have a plan to eat breakfast every day, and to eat a light lunch with a Cascade Ice of my choice (which is McIntosh Apple right now! I’d like to cut back on red meat. Oh, and definitely no fast food, unless it’s chicken or fish!
Shannon Ramiro
I’m currently trying to lose some weight. I try to drink only water but find myself craving something sweeter. I have avoided caffeine for years and managed to get to 1-2 sodas per day, yet I haven’t cut out soda completely and I believe it impedes my ability to lose weight. I have tried Cascade Ice before and was pleasantly surprised. It satisfied my craving for something sweet!
Why is cutting soda out of your diet important to you?
I suspect that I am consuming too many calories through soda and I know all of the sugar in soda is not good for my health.
What is your current level of physical activity?
I don’t have weekly or daily exercise per se but I do have to keep up with my 5 and 7-year old, both of whom like to be carried a lot. So, I am fairly strong but not currently in shape in terms of cardio (aerobic) fitness.
How do you feel at the end of the day with your current diet and level of physical activity?
I have had a lot of headaches over the past couple of months and I’m generally pretty tired. I’ve been under a lot of stress so I know that played a part but it probably wasn’t the only contributing factor. My diet was contributing to that as well.
What do you hope to achieve by participating in the Cascade Ice Challenge?
I hope that I will change my habits enough to not go back to drinking soda. I already find my craving for soda to be satisfied through drinking Cascade Ice since the challenge started. However, when I go out to eat I have to remind myself not to order soda.
There you have it folks, our participants are determined, eager and ready to make some real changes in 2013. We’ll keep you updated on their progress. We encourage you to root them on and keep them motivated so they can come out on top!